- Does prison do anything to prevent crime? 采取关押方法对制止犯罪有作用吗?
- It is the job of the police to prevent crime. 防止犯罪是警察的职责。
- Laws are intended to prevent crime. 法律的目的是防止犯罪发生。
- The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这部新的法律本应是预防犯罪的.
- We are a neighborhood watch zone community. Together we can prevent crime. 我们是街道监视分区社会。我们能共同防止犯罪。
- Indeed, it's impossible to prevent crimes violence thoroughly, but they are the major factors to worsen the public order. 没错,彻底预防犯罪和暴力是不可能的,但是它们是使社会治安恶化的主要因素。
- "The situation is still unstable. We need to step up our efforts to prevent crimes and arrest criminals," the agency said in a statement. 日本警事厅在一份声明中说:“目前的形势仍然显得很不稳定,我们必须进一步加大努力以阻止犯罪行为的发生,并将那些已经触犯刑律的人绳之以法。
- Pray that the new UN peacekeeping force entering Chad in March will help to prevent crimes against the innocent and uphold the rule of justice. 祷告三月新的联合国维护和平组织进入查德时,能协助防止该国对无辜百姓的罪行并高举公义的法则。
- "It is aimed at educating [North Koreans] to control society and prevent crimes," Good Friends head Venerable Pomnyun said at a news conference. “好朋友组织”领导人在一次新闻发布会上说“类似处决行为旨在教育(朝鲜人)控制社会,预防犯罪。”
- The police maintain order in the city, help prevent crime, apprehends lawbreakers and directs traffic. 警察维持城市的秩序,协助防止犯罪,逮捕犯法者及指挥交通。
- The police maintain order in the city, help prevent crime, apprehend lawbreakers and directs traffic. 警察维持城市的秩序,协助防止犯罪,逮捕犯法者及指挥交通。
- Officers from the NSW Police Department provide you with the information about how to prevent crime. 纽省警务处警民联络官亲自讲解警方打击及防治罪行的资讯。
- Emergency remote controlled locking function can obstruct suspicions from stepping out the safety cabin and prevent crime effectively. 紧急遥控关闭功能,可将嫌疑人阻隔在安全门舱内,有效预防犯罪行为的发生;
- Guardianship of minors is a powerful tool to prevent crime, in cases involving sexual crimes, because minors are not effective monitoring of crimes considerable proportion. 对未成年人的监护是防止犯罪的有力手段,在涉性犯罪案件中,未成年人因得不到有力监护而犯罪的占相当的比例。
- They monitored the crime situation in their districts,and helped foster community awareness of the need to prevent crime and community participation in fighting it. 这些委员会负责监察区内的治安情况,并加强市民对防止罪行和参与灭罪工作的意识。
- They monitored the crime situation in their districts, and helped foster community awareness of the need to prevent crime and community participation in fighting it. 这些委员会负责监察区内的治安情况,并加强市民对防止罪行和参与灭罪工作的意识。
- Such lawbreaking and crime can be punished by the existent laws, but punishing method should be administered by making new law to prevent crime and facilitate the investigation. 博客违法犯罪的内容均可以由现有法律进行追惩,但是对于这种新型侵权方式应当立法,加强预防,便利取证。
- According to the Sun-Times, the group has actually helped prevent crime in the city, catching a cell phone thief and a purse snatcher and breaking up fights. 据太阳时报报道,这一组织帮助减少了在城市中的犯罪,他们抓获了一个偷手机的小偷和一个抢包的强盗,并且制止了一场斗殴。
- Weapon is a sword of Damoclaze which may not only serves as a panacea to preventing crimes, but also a threat to the safety of grass-roots. 武器是一柄达摩克利斯之剑,它不仅可以有效的预防犯罪,同时也会威胁普通百姓的安全。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。