- He got in by pretend to be a telephone engineer. 他假装成电话工程师进来的。
- His ploy is to pretend to be ill. 他的手法就是装病。
- You pretend to be foolish intentionally. 你有意装傻。
- He does not pretend to be a physicist. 他并不自命为物理学家。
- He doesn't pretend to be a genius. 他不想假充自己有什么才华。
- He does not pretend to be a genius. 他并不自命为天才。
- His ployis to pretend to be ill. 他的手法就是装病。
- Why don't you pretend to be Jenny's friend? 你为何不假装是?
- I'm not schizo, but I can pretend to be. 我不是个狂人,但我假装我是。
- Don't pretend to be my grandson. 甭跟我这儿装孙子。
- People on that site that pretend to be me. 人冒充我。
- But[you] must pretend to be asleep. 但[你]必须装作睡着了。
- The unlearned always pretend to be erudite. 不学无术的人总是伪装知识渊博。
- I do not pretend to be a scholar. 我不自命为学者。
- The young actor pretended to be Hamlet. 那个年轻演员扮演哈姆雷特。
- Actually, he pretend to be sick. 实际上,他是在装病。
- Why do you pretend to be another woman? 你为何装作别的妇人呢?
- But pretend to be shocked anyway, okay? 不过,假装感觉很突然也不难吧。
- I pretend to be a human through Linguini. 而在小林面前,我又得装出一副人的模样。”
- I can only pretend to be strong before you. 在你面前我只能装的很坚强.