- presynaptic autoreceptor 突触前自身受体
- A presynaptic nerve fiber;a presynaptic stimulus. 突触前的神经纤维;突触前的刺激
- A neurotransmitter must be present within the presynaptic neuron. 突触前神经元必须存在神经递质。
- Calcium Channel Regulation and Presynaptic Plasticity. Ca2+通道与突触前神经元的可塑性有关。
- The difference in evoked release due to co-addition of exogenous ACh was defined as nicotinic autoreceptor function(NAF). 加与不加外源性ACh所得ACh释放量的差异就是NAF。
- Isoflurane Inhibits Transmitter Release and the Presynaptic Action Potential Wu X-S, et al. 异氟醚抑制递质释放和突触前动作电位。
- Maturation of presynaptic function, assayed with endocytotic markers, followed accumulation of synapsin I. 成熟的前突触,以内细胞标记技术,显示累积的突触素I。
- It seems reasonable to conclude that Toosendanin is a presynaptic blocking agent. 这些结果表明,川楝素是一个选择性地作用于突触前的神经肌肉传递阻遏剂。
- A junction between the axon of one neuron (presynaptic) and the dendrite of another (postsynaptic). 一种神经元(突触前)的轴突与另一个(突触后)的树突间的一类连接。
- The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal. 突触小泡即刻可释放池的结构组织化学突触的定义形态学特征是突触前神经终端小泡群。
- Neurotransmitter release during synaptic transmission is mediated by presynaptic active zone. 在突触前,神经递质释放是由活动区结构所介导的。
- Here, temporal synaptic stability and the functional consequences for presynaptic operation will be considered. 应当考虑突触前的手术对临时突触的稳定性和相应功能的影响。
- The early antidepressants blocked the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by the presynaptic neuron. 早期抗抑郁药阻滞突触前神经元对去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺的再摄取。
- Moreover, HLB-1 expression was not required for the presynaptic active zone morphology. 而且,HLB-1的表达并非 前突触活动区形态建成所必需。
- The readily releasable vesicles were not clustered close to the presynaptic membrane but instead were dispersed almost randomly throughout the vesicle cluster. 结果发现即刻可释放小泡并不是簇集于突触前膜而是随机分散于小泡群中。
- Synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane upon the arrival of an action potential at the presynaptic axon terminal. 突触前轴突末端动作电位到来之际,突触泡同突触前膜相融合。
- Tiny membranous bubbles called vesicles erupt from each signal-sending, or presynaptic, neuron, releasing serotonin into the synapse. 位于讯息发送端的突触前神经元末梢,带有微小的膜状囊泡包裹著血清张力素,可将其释放到突触中。
- They do so by traveling from the so-called presynaptic neuron across a tiny gap to bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron's cell membrane. 它们从所谓的突触前神经元出发,通过神经元之间的微小间隔,而与突触后神经元细胞膜上的受体相接。
- A major challenge in studying the synapse is how to tell what observed effects are due to presynaptic factors and which to postsynaptic ones. 研究突触最大的困难在于如何区辨所观察到的反应是来自突触前或突触后因子所导致。
- The results clearly demonstrated that the reduction of sIPSCs by VEGF was caused by inhibition of GABA release from the presynaptic axonal terminals. 这些结果提示VEGF是通过突触前轴突末梢电压依赖的钙离子通道(voltage-dependent calcium channels, VDCCs)抑制GABA的释放,同时也提示钾离子通道与VEGF的这一作用无关。