- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- He was dismissed for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你怠忽职守。
- He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一贯玩忽职守。
- His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty. 他父亲试图使他认识到自己的责任。
- She was severely criticized for neglect of duty. 她因玩忽职守而受到严厉批评。
- His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty. 他的英勇行为来源于强烈的责任感。
- His sense of duty prick him on to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy. 版权和隐私问题同样可获得无罪的推定。
- His sense of duty pricked him off to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- His sense of duty pricked him on to finish the work on time. 他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。
- He was assiduous in performance of duty. 他勤勉地履行职责。
- A period of duty at a single place or job. 任职期在某个地方或职务上的一段任期
- His sense of duty pricked him on to do so. 他的责任感驱使他这么做。
- We can't do with such neglect of duty. 我们不能容忍这种玩忽职守的行为。
- presumption of duty 责任推定
- He is dismissed for neglecting of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- First, the law lacks a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. 首先,法律缺乏在证明有罪前的无罪假定;
- Such goods cannot pass free of duty. 这种东西不纳税不能通过的。
- The path of duty is the path of safety. 忠于职守乃坦途。