- prestack seismic attributes 叠前地震属性
- With the development of oil &gas exploration, inversion and application of prestack seismic data is becoming the locus. 摘要随着油气勘探的不断深入,叠前地震数据的反演和应用逐渐成为热点。
- Researchers discover that the key issue in AVO is to use prestack seismic data to recover the amplitude, which reflect the properties of rock and oil-gas. 研究人员发现,AVO的关键是要恢复叠前地震数据的地震振幅,来反应地下实际的岩性及含油气性。
- Dual optimization of seismic attributes based on Grey association analysis and K-L transform. 基于灰关联分析与K-L变换的双重属性优化方法。
- In the case of amplitude-variation-with-offset (AVO) crossplotting, the seismic attributes are derived from CDP data. 在振幅随偏移距变化(AVO)交会分析中,我们从CDP数据中获取地震属性。
- It is regarded that abstraction of seismic attributes is dependant on research purposes. 认为地震属性的提取要根据研究目的而确定;
- Under 10A DC field circumstances, the continuity of prestack seismic events becomesbetter.Electric field signals companying the seismic wave due to the first typeseismo-electric e... 实验发现,在10A直流电场环境下,地震叠前炮记录上反射同相轴连续性变好,接收到第一类震电效应所引起的伴随电场和转换电磁波,这对震电勘探在大庆的进一步应用具有重要意义。
- When the BSR and the amplitude blanking zone are notobvious, we can use the method of seismic attributes to identify the zone of gashydrates. 当 BSR和空白带特征都比较明显的时候;使用地震属性技术可以更清楚的反映这些信息.
- It includes superficial stratumseismic brightness technique, AVO, seismic attributes analysis technique and seismicinversion technique. 包括浅层地震亮点技术,识别气藏的叠前AVO技术,叠后地震属性分析技术和地震反演技术。
- Therefore, petrophysics is used to analyze the relationship among seismic attributes and lithology, physical property, hydrocarbon property. 为此,首先利用岩石物理学方法,对研究区储层的岩性、物性、含油气性与地震属性之间的关系进行了分析研究;
- In lithological reservoir exploration stage, the seismic attributes analysis mainly focuses on the storage capability and oil-gas-bearing possibility. 摘要在岩性油气藏勘探阶段,地震属性分析在很大程度上应用于储集体储集性能和含油气性评价。
- The paper introduced a method of prediction log properties with seismic attributes by optimized BP neural net works,and it had been used to comp... 介绍了一种用改进的多层前馈神经网络由地震属性进行测井特性预测的方法,并应用理论模型和实测数据对该方法进行了验证,结果令人满意。
- It can directly establish the relationship between logging traces and seismic attributes, and measure their similarity for the target intervals by a correlation coefficient. 而是直接建立测井曲线和地震属性的关系,用相关系数衡量目标测井曲线和地震属性之间的相似性;
- The exist of directionalhigh angle fracture will result in azimuthal anisotropy, thus the seismic attributes in eachdirection will present oval characteristics. 定向高角度裂缝的存在会导致方位各向异性,各个方向的地震属性呈现椭圆特征。
- The technologies for pickup of seismic attributes include generally Fourier spectral analysis, autocorrelation, main component, autoregression and coherent body, etc. 摘要目前地震属性的提取主要集中在单项技术上,如谱分解、三瞬,均方根、自相关、主因子、自回归和相干体等。
- The seismic attributes above imply that gas hydrate layer may exist above the strong BSR and free gas layer below it, and the sediment layer with no free gas or very low gas saturation may occur beneath the weaker BSR. 根据上述地震特征,推断BSR上方可能存在水合物,其中在强BSR振幅部位,下方可能存在含气层,在相对弱振幅部位下方无含气层,或者为低含气饱和度的地层。
- So, we can further study the most fractured reservoir extensions and predict the main direction of fractures through analyzing the change of seismic attributes in different narrow azimuths. 在此基础上,通过随观测方位角不同的地震属性的变化来寻找和研究裂缝性储层发育区和估计裂缝发育的主要方向。
- Experimental results of sandstone reservoir in the third member of Shahejie Formation in Shengli Oil Field proved the applicability of this approach using seismic attributes crossplot technique. 利用胜利油田沙河街组三段砂岩储层在模拟储层条件下的实验结果,采用属性交会图技术验证了流体指示因子的正确性。
- technique of prestack seismic predicting gas reservoir 叠前预测技术