- Direct connection to mains pressure water supply is not permitted. 严禁直接连在有压力的供水装置上。
- Use Aquajet high pressure water unit to remove the ceramic from the flask. 用高压水枪清除金属件上之陶瓷。
- But CO,CH4,C2H4 and C2H6 could not be separated from H2 from gas phase products by high pressure water absorption. 然而,高压吸收的方法不能将气体产物中的CO、CH4、C2H4、C2H6与H2分离.
- After a dwell time of approx. 2-3 minutes, rinse the screen from the bottom to the top with high pressure water spray. 让其停留2到3分钟后,再使用高压水雾喷枪由下至上冲洗网布的正反两面。
- The working principle of superhigh pressure water cutting machine and its exmaple of application are recommended. 介绍了超高压水刀的工作原理及在石化行业的应用实例。
- It also provided the theoretical and practical basis for high pressure water jet comminution. 该结果还为具有压力释放效应粉碎机理的高压水射流超细粉碎的研究提供了理论和实验依据。
- There are several barometric pressure water bottles on the tea table in his drawing room. 他家客厅的茶几上有个气压水瓶。
- Currently, high pressure water jet is the mainstay technology for descaling billets. 高压水射流技术是当今钢铁除鳞的主流技术。
- Introduce the situation of using high pressure water jet washing sinter exhauster impeller in sinter plant of Angang. 介绍了安阳钢铁股份有限责任公司烧结厂采用高压水射流清洗技术清洗烧结抽风机叶轮的实践及应用效果。
- But almost any pressure water system should have a freshwater and/or saltwater manual pump and spigot as backup. 但是,几乎任何压力水系统都应该有一个淡水和/或海水手动泵和作为备用的套管。
- This series of pressure water cabinet is suitable for life water and sea water in marine and well-drilling plateform. 本系列压力水柜适用于船舶及钻井平台上生活用水、卫生水和海水。
- Descaling technology sorted compressed gas descaling,high pressure water descaling,sand blast descaling by different descaling medium. 根据除鳞介质的不同可将除鳞工艺分为高压水除鳞、压缩气体除鳞、喷沙除鳞。
- The cleaning methods of mash scale cover chemical cleaning (soda boiling and pickling process), CIP cleaning, and high pressure water washing. 醪垢的清洗方法有化学清洗法(碱煮法、酸洗法)、CIP冲清洗法、高压水射流清洗法。
- Aircraft environmental control system(ECS) with high pressure water separation is a representative complex coupling control system of MIMO. 高压除水环境控制系统是典型的多输入多输出 (MIMO)复杂控制系统 ;各个变量之间存在很强的耦合关系 .
- The paper presents the structure and relative dynamic calculation of nozzles, key components in high pressure water descaling. 介绍了高压水除鳞技术及关键部件喷嘴的结构及有关动力学分析计算。
- Nowadays cartridge degreasing methods mainly include physical heating, mechanical scraping, chemical washing, high pressure water washing and so on. 目前,可供选择的除油方法主要包括物理加热、机械刮除、化学清洗、高压水射流清洗等方法。
- Qi Ya Te High Pressure Water Cleaner (Brusher) is product of cleaning pot and pans' surface by using high pressure water spray. 毛刷体是一个备用器件,在水刷常规状态不易清洗的情况下用其辅助清洗,毛刷体与物品直接刷洗时请不要用力太大,以免损坏毛刷体。
- Optimal pressure and flow in high pressure water generating system were selected, and aperture / slenderness ratio of nozzle was calculated. 合理选择高压水发生系统的压力和流量,计算出喷嘴的孔径与长径比。
- DG and DGR multi-stages pumps are used for feeding low and middle pressure boiler water or for pumping other middle pressure water. 其德阳入口,D型水平方向;DG、DGR为垂直向上;其吐出口均为垂直向上。
- State media reported the crew fought back using a high pressure water hose and Molotov cocktails before retreating to their cabins. 据官方媒体报道,在全体船员撤回船舱之前,曾用高压水龙头及自制酒瓶燃烧弹还击。