- You must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu. 你必须先知道压觉点在什么地方才能进行指压按摩。
- "Lack of time and the crowds were the biggest pressure points. “时间紧迫、拥挤不堪是造成压力的最大所在。
- Nip Pressure point between two rollers or cylinders. 在两根墨辘间或两个圆筒间的压力点。
- Try to learn the pressure points on the human body - try to remember at least 3 spots in different areas of the body. 尝试学习的压力点,对人体试着记住至少有3点不同地方的机构。
- Some of the benefits include, less soreness and stiffness in the morning, no irritating pressure points and a long lasting mattress. 其中一些好处包括:减少早上的酸痛和僵硬,没有刺激性的压力点和一个耐用的床垫。
- Moreover, by injecting the liquid at an intermediate pressure point, the other benefits are provided. 并且,通过在中间压缩点注入所述液体,还可以获得其他好处。
- In 1997,the prison population remained high and averaged 22 percent over the certified accommodation,with prisons for adults being the major pressure points. 1997年,犯人数目仍然很多,平均超出认可收容额22%25。挤迫的情况以成年犯人监狱为甚。
- In 1997, the prison population remained high and averaged22 per cent over the certified accommodation, with prisons for adults being the major pressure points. 年内,犯人数目仍然很多,平均超出认可收容额22%25。挤迫的情况以成年犯人监狱为甚。
- Air conditioning system is all-air VAV system with inner and peripheral zoning, controlled by constant static pressure point at single duct. 空调风系统为内外分区的全空气变风量系统,变风量系统采用单风道定静压点控制,风机变频,标准层采用环形风道。
- The accurate use of pressure points and efficient breaking of bones and hard tissue (especially the elbows, wrists, knees, and nose) are among the first steps of every move. 准确地使用压痛点和有效地折断骨骼和硬组织(尤其是肘、腕、膝关节和鼻子)包括在每个技术的第一步。
- Chang's songs, and the singers who performed them, are never forgettable. They touch hidden emotional pressure points deep within our individual and cultural life experiences. 张弘毅的歌,以及唱他的歌的歌手,却是永远不会被人遗忘的。他们能触动埋藏在我们内心深处,个人和文化背景的感情穴位。
- With acupressure, a fingertip or a bead is used to press a specific pressure point, while needles are used in acupuncture. 指压按摩使用手指头或珠子于穴道上施压,而针灸则会使用针。
- A pressure point massage using both palm and thumb, which alleviate stress, soothes muscles, increase blood circulation and improve condition of health. 用指压按摩,根据人体内经络系统与穴位分布,给予适当的按摩刺激,令全身经络增强活性,提高机能状态,使血液畅通,专为都市人而设。
- Cerebella, lung reachs a heart, thyroid, move blood pressure point, lienal, stomach, bowel, pancreatic, stare at, bravery, kidney, germen, arm rank etc.. 小脑,肺及心脏,甲状腺,调血压点,脾,胃,肠,胰腺,盯,胆,肾,生殖腺,膀阶等等...
- A Thai-style massage with herbal compresses, is a fusion of massage techniques such as patting, pounding, pummelling, pressure point massage, drainage and stretching. 一泰国式按摩与草本压缩,是一个融合的按摩技术,如轻拍,冲击, pummelling ,压点按摩,排水和伸展。
- If you have knowledge of the arterial pressure points, apply pressure, using one or both thumbs over the artery.Once this has controlled the bleeding, apply pressure bandages to the wound site. 如果你知道动脉止血按压点;用一只或两只拇指按压动脉.;一旦止住血;在伤口侧扎上压力绷带
- The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure. 啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- Air pressure forces the water through the pipe. 空气压力使水通过管道。