- Some delicate but pressing issues were mentioned only cursorily. 他只是稍微提了一下敏感的焦点问题。
- This is a very practical and pressing issue. 这个问题很实际又很紧迫。
- The third pressing issue is the economy. 第三个紧迫的问题是经济。
- In view of other more pressing issues in hand, members agreed that the matter be shelved for the time being. 基于有其他更迫切的事项需要处理,本局成员同意暂缓讨论此项议题。
- Bush says he and Nicolas Sarkozy are going to have a heart-to-heart talk about a number of pressing issues spanning the globe. 布什称他将于尼古拉丝萨科齐就一系列国际上的严峻的问题进行坦诚对话。
- The top US diplomat said she and President Barack Obama want to work with Indonesia on such pressing issues as the global economy and climate change. 这位美国最高外交官称她与总统巴拉克奥巴马都希望在全球经济及全球气候变化等重大问题上与印尼进行合作。
- A pressing issue as it is, we can still cope with it well. 虽然是个棘手的问题,但我们仍能解决它。
- Low birthrate is a pressing issue in this fast-ageing society. 韩国社会老龄化迅速,低出生率是当下的一个紧迫问题。
- How can governments sensibly talk about pressing issues such as global imbalances or energy prices without China being present? 当各国政府热烈地讨论热点问题,诸如全球发展的不均衡及能源价格的攀升,缺少中国的参与是不可以想象的。
- But the opportunity to discuss the pressing issues that had brought him here didn't present itself until much later on, and by then Lang was nearly feverish. 但他们一直都没有机会讨论这个让朗博士亲来此地并迫在眉睫的麻烦,直到许久之后,那时朗已接近焦躁状态。
- He is a senior financial expert who can deal with the pressing issue. 他是资深的金融专家,能够处理棘手的问题。
- The most pressing issues of the Antarctic relate to resources the southern waters are fertile, supporting a short, delicate food chain: great whales, seals, penguins, and their primary diet -- squid fish, and shrimp-like crustaceans called krill. 南极地区最为紧迫的问题是有关资源的问题? 南部海域是富饶的,它拥有一条短而良好的食物链:大鲸、海豹、企鹅以及它们的基本食物--枪乌贼,鱼类和状如小虾称为磷虾的甲壳类动物。
- The most pressing issue is knowing what we want in life and working hard toward these goals. 最紧迫的问题就是要明白我们在生活中想要什么,并努力去实现这些目标。
- The most pressing issue is to reduce air pollution from particulates in diesel vehicle emissions, as this is a direct present threat to our health. 现在最迫切的工作是减少柴油车辆废气中的微粒,因为这会造成空气污染,直接危害市民的健康。
- Japan is facing the pressing issue of a declining birthrate and aging population. 日本正面临着出生率下降和人口老化的压力。
- Innovation is microcosmic constituent system, the systematism rate that raises a farmer is the most pressing issue. 创新微观组织制度,提高农民的组织化程度是最紧迫的问题。
- The most pressing issue is to reduce air pollution from particulates in diesel vehicle emissions,as this is a direct present threat to our health. 现在最迫切的工作是减少柴油车辆废气中的微粒,因为这会造成空气污染,直接危害市民的健康。
- How to take concrete and effective measures to bolster confidence and realize recovery and growth -- this is a pressing issue for this Meeting to address. 采取切实有效的措施,增强信心,恢复和保持增长,是本次会议亟需考虑的问题。
- With the development of national defense and aerospace industry, detachmentdetection for solid rocket motor is the most pressing issue. 随着国防和航空航天事业的发展,大型固体火箭发动机的脱粘检测成为紧迫问题。
- At the time, this was not viewed as a pressing issue given the desperate nature of the fighting, and the parlous technical state of the equipment. 当时,由于战况的紧急及装备的糟糕的技术状况,这并没有被当做一个急迫的问题。