- A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer. 天使经钟用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声
- His name rings a bell; perhaps we've met somewhere. 他的名字听起来耳熟,也许我们在什麽地方见过面。
- Another patient in the room, observing thrashing and hearing choking noises from the adjoining bed, presses a bell push urgently to call back the nurse. 屋里的另一个病人看到旁边床上的人翻来复去,并听到憋气的声音,赶紧按铃叫护士。
- I can't remember her name but her face rings a bell. 我记不得她的姓名,但是她的脸我很熟悉。
- A bell signals the end of a school period. 铃声标志着学校里一节课的结束。
- Is the press a great power in your country? 贵国的报界有很大的影响力吗?
- A bell can be muffled with cloth. 钟蒙上块布可以使其声音低沉。
- The computer just dings when I press a key. 我一按键,电脑就发出丁的一声。
- Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell . 突然传来了微弱的铃声。
- The sound of a bell being struck. 敲钟声钟被敲打时发出的声音
- Press a green skin lemon and a sour taste. 榨绿色柠檬,酸的口味。
- The loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung. 钟环用于挂钟的钟顶铁环
- Isn't it strange to press a football jersey? 熨烫踢足球时候穿的衣服,你病了吗?
- A bell that summons worshipers to vespers. 晚祷钟提醒祈祷者集合的钟
- All you got to do is press a button. 只要你按一下电钮就行了。
- EWIN SORAM expansion card!Press A button to retry. 是我哪里没做对还是我的扩展卡有问题啊?
- I was roused by the sound of a bell. 钟声把我吵醒了。
- After you return, just press a keystroke to unhide. 在你回来之后,只要按一个按键就可以恢复隐藏。
- The doctor said I as sound as a bell. 医生说我身体很好。
- Even at the age of 80, the old man's heart was as sound as a bell. 尽管已是八十高龄,老人的心脏仍毫无问题。