- The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March. 这张支票是在3月21日兑现的。
- No endorsement or presentment for payment shall be allowed before such retroactive entry. 未补记前不得背书转让和提示付款。
- Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it. 持票人超过付款期限提示付款的,代理付款人不予受理。
- Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable. 为使本票之背书人负责,执票人必须作付款提示。
- Where the presentment for payment is made beyond the above time limit, the holder's bank shall reject it, and the drawee shall refuse payment. 超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行不予受理,付款人不予付款。
- Presentment for payment made to the drawee through an authorized collecting bank or at a clearing system is deemed as presentment made by the holder. 通过委托收款银行或者通过票据交换系统向付款人提示付款的,视同持票人提示付款。
- Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the time limit for presentment for payment, the holder's bank shall reject it. 持票人超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行不予受理。
- The date of presentment for payment shall be the day when the holder submits the negotiable instrument to the holder's bank. 其提示付款日期以持票人向开户银行提交票据日为准。
- Where the applicant without the advice of settlement requests refund, the drawer bank shall process it at least one month after the time limit for presentment for payment expires. 申请人缺少解讫通知要求退款的,出票银行应于银行汇票提示付款期满一个月后办理。
- The holder shall authorize the holder's bank to collect the payment or directly make presentment to the drawee for payment within the time limit for presentment for payment. 持票人应在提示付款期限内通过开户银行委托收款或直接向付款人提示付款。
- For the bank draft inquired about by the agent bank of the drawee, the refund may be processed only after the time limit for presentment for payment has expired. 对于代理付款银行查询的该张银行汇票,应在汇票提示付款期满后方能办理退款。
- Delay in presentment or non-presentment is excused by any circumstance which would excuse delay in presentment for payment or non-presentment for payment. 如迟延作出提示或未有作出提示之情况,与延迟作付款提示或未作付款提示而不予追究之情况相同者,则可予免究。
- Article 36 A bill of exchange may not be negotiated by endorsement, if it is not accepted or paid or if the time limit for presentment for payment expires. 第三十七条背书人以背书转让汇票后,即承担保证其后手所持汇票承兑和付款的责任。
- Article 126 The time limit for presentment for payment of a check shall be 10 days after the date of drawing, except as otherwise provided for by the People's Bank of China. 第一百二十六条支票的提示付款期限自出票日起10日,但中国人民银行另有规定的除外。
- He came down upon us for payment. 他逼著我们付钱。
- Where the presentment for acceptance or the presentment for payment by the holder is rejected, the acceptor or the drawee must provide proof of dishonor or a statement on reasons for dishonor. 持票人提示承兑或者提示付款被拒绝的,承兑人或者付款人必须出具拒绝证明,或者出具退票理由书。
- She's buying a present for her boy-friend. 她在给男朋友购买礼品。
- The said inspection reports shall be an integral part of the documents to be presented for payment. 上述检验报告应构成卖方要求付款时出具的单据之一。
- Let's all chip in for a birthday present for Mary. 我们大家出钱买生日礼物送玛莉。
- He made an appropriation of USD20,000 for payment of debts. 他挪用20,000美元还债。