- We present a case of orbital fibrous histiocytoma. 摘要本篇报告一少见的原发性眼窝肿瘤-纤维组织细胞瘤。
- We presented a case of cortical blindness. 摘要本文报告一例皮质性眼盲病例。
- We present a case of a giant mucopyocele of concha bullosa. 三军总医院于1991年6月经历一中鼻甲泡巨大黏液脓性囊肿之病例。
- We present a case of GON and relevant literatures were reviewed. 本文报告我们所经历之一例,并回顾最近之文献,供临床医师参考。
- We present a case of dermatomyositis with keratotic scabies in the scalp. 本文报告一发生在皮肌炎病患以头皮为感染部位的角化型疥疮病例。
- Herein, we present a case of young man with an adrenal incidentaloma. 本文报导一位年轻男性,经由腹部超音波检查意外发现一肾上腺肿瘤。
- We present a case of nasal septal cyst which may be a rare complication of SMR. 本科经历一鼻中隔囊肿的病例,推测可能是鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的罕见并发症。
- Here we present a case of afferent loop obstruction diagnosed by sonography. 我们在此报告一例用腹部超音波检查来诊断输入端肠阻塞造成之急性胰脏炎。
- We present a case of sclerosing hemangioma of the lung in a 24-year-old woman. 我们报告一名诊断硬化性血管瘤的24岁女性患者。
- We present a case of right cerebellopontine angle osteoma causing sensorineural hearing loss in a 60-year-old woman. 摘要我们报告一名60岁女性因患有右侧小脑桥脑角骨瘤导致听力受损的病例。
- We present a case of 24-year-old male who had melanocytoma of optic disc of right eye. 本文报告一24岁男性右眼罹患视神经盘之黑素细胞瘤。
- We present a case of large angiosarcoma arising from the right atrium, involving the right ventricle. 摘要本院报告一侵犯右心房、右心室之原发性右心房血管肉瘤之病例。
- In such a case a little goes a long way. 这种情况下,一点点也有很大作用。
- We present a case with full-thickness abdominal wall defect successfully reconstructed with a free innervated latissimus dorsi(LD)muscle flap. 我们提出一个因全层腹壁缺损成功的以具神经支配之阔背肌自由皮瓣作重建的病例。
- We'll present a gold watch to Smith. 我们将赠送给史密斯一块金表。
- Each side of a case in court has its own counsel. 法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。
- However, we present a case of tuberculous meningitis with onset symptoms of complex partial seizure followed by retrograde amnesia. 本文报告一位以复杂性局部癫痫和回溯性失忆为初始症状的成年结核生脑膜炎患者。
- It is a case of the student outstripping the teacher. 这是一个学生超过老师的例子。
- We present a case of large placental chorioangioma with acute polyhydramnos in which polyhydramnios and prematurity are the main complication. 我们报告一个胎盘绒毛膜血管瘤合并急性羊水过多的案例,羊水过多和引发的早产是最主要的并发症。
- We present a case of unilateral morning glory syndrome and branch retinal vein occlusion was found in his fellow eye coincidentally. 摘要本篇报告一位69岁男性牵牛花症候群之病患,其对侧眼为网膜分枝静脉阻塞。