- Mysteriously, there was no answer when I rang. 真怪,我按了铃,但没人应。
- Food processor is useful aids in prepare food. 食品加工机是制作食品时颇为实用的辅助机械。
- Prepare diskettes for use on the Victor computer. 为在胜利牌电脑上的应用准备了磁盘。
- Have you prepare your christmas presents? 你预备好圣诞礼物了吗?
- I won't prepare a speech: I'll talk off the cuff. 我不准备发言稿,我将即兴发言。
- She went to prepare him a meal with her own hands. 她去亲手为他做一顿饭。
- Please prepare the table for dinner. 请把桌子收拾好准备吃饭。
- They made a fire to prepare for supper. 他们生火做晚饭。
- Prepare yourself for a nasty shock! 有件令人十分震惊的事,你要有所准备!
- Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. [谚]抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。
- Prepare to alight, for we are almost there. 我们马上就要到了,准备下车吧。
- I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters. 我对如何烹调那些墨鱼和龙虾毫无概念。
- My watch had mysteriously disappeared. 我的手表不知怎么就不见了。
- She is up to her elbow in prepare dinner when the doorbell rings. 门铃响时她正在为准备晚饭忙得不可开交。
- Mysteriously, the streets were deserted. 不知怎的,街上空无一人。
- Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city. 为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。
- She was silent, smiling mysteriously. 她沉默不语,神秘地笑着。
- The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam. 老师劝他的学生准备考试。
- Our navy had suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. 神秘得很,咱们的海军突然失踪了。
- Both got mysteriously thin together. 两个人同时神秘瘦了下去。