- prenatal syphilis [医] 先天梅毒, 遗传梅毒
- Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding. 婚后没几天就染上了梅毒。
- It may also be true for AIDS and Syphilis. 爱滋病、梅毒等严重传染性疾病也可能通过角膜移植发生传染。
- Trichomoniasis is more common than syphilis. 滴虫病比梅毒常见。
- The skin rash of syphilis is infectious. 梅毒皮疹是有传染性的。
- Can Genes Solve the Syphilis Mystery? 基因能够解答梅毒之谜吗?
- Can My Baby Get Syphilis From Me? 我可以得到婴儿梅毒从我?
- Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases. 淋病和梅毒是性
- Got syphilis what is the first symptom? 得了梅毒第一症状是什么?
- What symptom does syphilis have commonly? 梅毒一般都有哪些症状?
- First the status of prenatal heredity and postnatal development. 一,先天遗传及后天生长发育的情况。
- Some mothers take a prenatal vitamin supplement as a precaution. 某些母亲使用孕期维他命来预防营养不足。
- Kim toted our mistakes:no prenatal care,offhand diet,overwork. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、随便地饮食、工作过度。
- Used in embalming, as a cure for cancer, leprosy, and syphilis. 涂香油于身体,是作为一种对毒瘤,麻疯病和梅毒的治疗。
- Kim toted our mistakes: no prenatal care, offhand diet, overwork. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、便地饮食、作过度。
- Kim toted our mistakes:no prenatal care, offhand diet, overworks. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、随便地饮食、工作过度。
- Kim toted our mistakes: no prenatal care, offhand diet, overwork. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、随便地饮食、工作过度。
- In mice however AyAy is supposed to be lethal (prenatal). 就我所知,这种基因颜色不存在于边境犬中。
- This patient had optic perineuritis secondary to syphilis. 血清及脊髓液之萤光螺旋体抗体吸附试验呈阳性反应。
- Kim toted our mistakes:no prenatal care, offhand diet, overwork. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、随便地饮食、工作过度。