- premonitory heatstroke 先兆中暑
- Heatstroke has what symptom, how should treat? 中暑有什么症状,应该如何治疗?
- Heatstroke Death: Who's at Greatest Risk? 谁是中暑死亡的高危险群?
- Haematemesis, is nose bleeds heatstroke? 吐血,鼻子流血是中暑吗?
- How does summer prevent heatstroke? ? 夏天如何预防中暑??
- What kind of symptom does heatstroke have? 中暑有什么样的症状?
- Does heatstroke have those symptoms? 中暑有那些症状?
- What symptom can heatstroke have? 中暑会有什么症状?
- You'll suffer heatstroke running about at noon under the sun. 大中午在太防底下跑来跑去会中暑的。
- Chinese herb tea is also useful for mild heatstroke. 中国茶对预防中暑很有帮助。
- What symptom is heatstroke? What to eat to prevent heatstroke? 中暑是什么症状?吃什么预防中暑啊?
- Sufferred heatstroke what to symptom there is excuse me? 请问中暑了有什么症状?
- The mood suffers heatstroke, how should treat in the home? 情绪中暑,在家应如何治疗?
- The female is in menstruation, why to suffer heatstroke easily? 女性在月经期间,为什么容易中暑呢?
- Does the cold add heatstroke what to eat to had been met? 感冒加中暑吃什么会好起来呢?
- What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for asoagal syncope? 血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?
- With what medicine is summertime heatstroke cold good? 夏季中暑感冒用什么药好呢?
- Summer, I am like easier dizziness, not be heatstroke, be why? 夏天,我好像更容易头晕,不是中暑,是为什么?
- It reacted to the GM announcement by announcing a heatstroke sensor of its own. 作为对通用汽车公司的宣布作出的回应,福特推出了自己的防中暑传感器。
- I feel dizzy and suffocated. I think I have come down with heatstroke. 我感到头晕,喘不上气来。我想是中暑了。