- preferential savings rate 优惠存款利率
- We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable will to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- The pain tolerance threshold of the Hong Kong economy is traditionally high given the high savings rate. 香港的储蓄率高企,因此经济承受痛楚的能力一向相当高。
- With a high savings rate, the Mainland has a huge amount of funds that can be channelled into investment. 内地储蓄率高,有相当大的资金可作投资用途。
- We still have innovative entrepreneurs, a hard working and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, and openness to trade and ideas. 我们仍然拥有敢於创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
- Some critics partly blame the crasis crisis on the American Americans' low savings rate and high personal debt. 一些评论家把经济危机归咎于国人的低储蓄率以及高额的个人债务。
- Second, the Chinese have a high savings rate because the old social safety net has disintegrated. 其次,中国储蓄率之所以处于高位,是因为原来的社会保障体系已经瓦解。
- Behind these surpluses lie astonishingly high savings rates. 这些盈余反映了亚洲高得惊人的储蓄率。
- A report from the O.E.C.D. shows that in nineteen ninety Americans had a household savings rate of seven percent. 1990年,来自经济合作与发展组织的报告显示,美国的居民储蓄率占了7个百分点。
- US Treasury Secretary will speak in Washington on the consequences of low savings rate. 美国财政部长将在华盛顿就低储蓄率带来的影响发表讲话。
- We still have a young and flexible workforce,a very high savings rate,openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- We still have innovative entrepreneurs,a hard working and flexible workforce,a very high savings rate,and openness to trade and ideas. 我们仍然拥有敢于创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
- We still have the young and flexible workforce,the high savings rate,openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- China was pleased that Mr Paulson and Mr Bernanke both spoke, albeit airily, of America's desire to raise that savings rate. 虽然保尔森和伯南克说美国将会提高储蓄率的话是随口说说,但是中方还是很高兴他们能够正视自己了。
- We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、持高储蓄率、放贸易、容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- As you know, our regular savings rate changes periodically in accordance with the interest earnings rate allowed for commercial banks. 您知道,我们的普通存款利率是按照商业银行所允许的利率调整的。
- Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office! 本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁!
- We still have a young and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、持高储蓄率、放贸易、容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- It's really scary, I mean, and I think a lot of us are in that position, you know, that it's like the worst savings rate since the depression. 我的意思是这真的很可怕。我认为我们中的很多人都处在那样的境地。这个,这像是从大萧条以来的最差的储蓄率。
- In fact, the increase in the private debt to GDP ratio steepened starting in 1996, and the savings rate has been falling since 1992. 实际上,私人债务对GDP的比率从1996年起就陡然升高,此外储蓄率自1992年起一直滑落。