- Linxia Autonomous Prefecture located in the capital city. 自治州首府设在临夏市。
- Do you know the locations of the British Isles? 你知道不列颠群岛的位置吗?
- prefecture locations 郡望
- "I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture. “我替市政府当一天骂街的。”
- Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. 伊藤润二于1963年在日本岐阜县出生。
- Ask and answer about locations in the town. 根据当地的城市,问一问,答一答。
- Which trusted locations are safer? 哪些受信任位置更安全?
- In this way he came to the prefecture, then to the seminary. 他这样走到了省长公署,过后又到了教士培养所。
- A string array of virtual file locations. 虚拟文件位置的字符串数组。
- Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. 学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。
- Describe the key locations in the world here. 描述世界中的关键场所。
- In the Save in box, click FTP Locations. 在“保存位置”框中,单击“FTP位置”。
- Pricing may vary at retail locations. 不同的零售地点收费亦有所不同。
- Search for the best driver in these locations. (在这些位置上搜索最佳驱动程序)。
- You can know place names and locations of korea. 可以知道地名和韩国的区域位置。
- Prefecture The district administered or governed by a prefect. 管区:古罗马或法国高级官员管辖或统治的地区。
- In Excel 2003, there are no trusted locations. 在Excel 2003中,没有受信任位置。
- It will be home-ported at Maizuru base in Kyoto prefecture. “爱宕”号驱逐舰将被部署在京都的舞鹤基地。
- Steps through all unmapped stop locations. 逐句通过所有未映射的停止位置。
- Ancient Okayama prefecture legends describe Nurarihyon (lit. 从上面的画像可以看到滑飘爷爷的是一个衣冠整齐,长脖秃头的老者。