- prefectural government office 县政府
- In no case should a government officer take bribes. 政府官员决不能受贿。
- I'd like to work in a government office. 我想在政府机关工作。
- BI work in a government office in west Beijing. 我在北京西部的一个政府部门工作。
- Thanks for the hint. I can't stand going to a government office and having to go back because I didn't have the necessary papers. 谢谢你的提示,我不能忍受到了政府机关,因为没有必要的文件而必须回来。
- The Basics of Noise(This website is made by Osaka prefectural government, Japan. 我需要,有中文的吗?没仔细看,不过好象不是讲很专的噪声,有些宽
- British government office which is in charge of the navy. 英国政府中负责海军的政府办事部门。
- The poverty of minutes of big county in the past is backward, people is used to relying on the accessorial fare of country and prefectural government. 过去的大分县贫穷落后,人们习惯于靠国家和县政府的补助过活。平松知事推行“一村一品”运动,在县内树立了两个样板。
- But because of fiscal austerity measures implemented by the Shimane prefectural government, even public-works jobs are under threat. 但是,由于岛根县政府政府所执行的财政节俭政策,即使是公共建设工程的工作也面临着威胁。
- The government officer committed an impeachable offence. 那位政府官员犯了可能招致弹劾的罪行。
- "Local officials exercised restraint during the riot and repeatedly told the rioters to abide by the law," Xinhua quoted an official with the prefectural government as saying. "当地官员在骚乱过程中保持了克制;而且一再提醒骚乱者遵守法律";新华社引用一个地方政府官员的话说.
- Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. 我的丈夫皮埃尔在一个政府部门工作。
- During the Han dynasty, the general system including the militarization of prefectural government had experienced many changes, promoting political system evolvement. 摘要两汉时期将军制度发生了诸多变化,这与州府的军府化过程可谓-在中央层面-在地方层面,共同推动着两汉政治体制的演化。
- Each prefectural government is responsible for arranging as a whole the funds for elementary education, and implementing the policy concerning the payment of teachers. 县级政府要负责对基础教育经费的统筹,落实教师工资统一发放的措施。
- Suitable for government office, school and printing industry etc. 适用于政府机关、学校%255C办公室、印刷厂等单位。
- Principles and practice of government office automation II. 政府办公自动化原理与应用2。
- The picture shows the Cambodian government office building . 图为援柬埔寨政府办公大楼效果图。
- The government office of feudal China is a very complex system. 中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。
- The new address of the city government office is in Xuexu Street. 市政府的新址在学府路。
- But who cares about consumers?Most prefectural governments, including DPJ ones, want the surcharge, to lavish as pork on local building firms. 但其实没人在意这个,大多数地方政府官员,包括民主党的在内,都希望能得到额外收入来投资地产。