- preeclamptic toxemia 子痫前毒血症
- These patients have an increased risk of developing preeclampsia or eclampsia (toxemia) of pregnancy. 但其罹患先兆子痫和妊娠毒血症的风险会增加。
- Also known as toxemia, preeclampsia affects some 5 percent of pregnancies and is a leading cause of maternal and fetal illness and death, particularly in deeloping nations. 象毒血症一样,先兆子痫影响了大约5%25的孕妇,是导致产妇和胎儿疾病和死亡的主要原因,尤其在发展中国家。
- Unfortunately, Kitty was dying of toxemia and died. 很不幸,凯蒂染上败血病死了。
- The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. 译文:该孕妇曾患妊娠毒血症。
- Seere preeclampsia that deelops at morbidity rates. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- Fever, chills, rapid pulse and severe toxemia develop. 发热、寒战、脉率增快和严重的血毒症出现。
- Fever, chills, rapid pulse and severe toxemia develop . 发热、寒战、脉率增快和严重的血毒症出现。
- Severe preeclampsia that develops at morbidity rates. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- The word "toxemia" refers to an infection due to an unsafe tampon. 术语“妊娠中毒症”因不卫生的卫生巾感染所致。
- Objective To study the treatment of burn with toxemia or septemia. 目的探讨烧伤合并毒败血症的治疗方法。
- In preeclampsia, however, that blood supply is reduced. 不过,患子痫前症孕妇胎盘中的血液供给会减少。
- In the Rhodesian form, the patient soon dies of massive toxemia. 在罗得西亚型中,病人很快就会死于严重的毒血症。
- Preeclampsia limits the flow of blood and oxygen to the baby. 该病症限制血液和氧向胎儿的流量。
- The Effects of Spinal Anesthesia on QT Interval in Preeclamptic Patients. 腰麻对先兆子痫患者。
- Seere preeclampsia that deelops at perinatal mortality and morbidity rates. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- Severe preeclampsia that develops at perinatal mortality and morbidity rates. 发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。
- To learn more about preeclampsia, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine. 想要得到更多信息,联系美国国家医学图书馆。
- To learn more about preeclampsia, isit the U.S. National Library of Medicine. 想要得到更多信息,联系美国国家医学图书馆。
- In eclampsia (toxemia), convulsions also occur and the hypertension may require prompt treatment. 通常表现为孕妇高血压,蛋白尿和水肿。