- precise time counter 高精度计数器
- High Precision Time Counter for Remote Testing of Unmanned Aircraft 无人机远程检测中的高精度计时器
- Highly precise time management is realized multilaterally with GPS. 使用GPS系统,提供高精度时间管理。
- Cymometer gate circuit and by the time counter composition. 频率计由时间闸门电路和计数器组成。
- During your upkeep, put a time counter on Infinite Hourglass. 在你的维持阶段中,放置一个计时指示物于无垠沙漏上。
- The sorceress prompts: Please record precise time of your birthday to make the forecast! 女巫小提示:请记好你的生辰再来做预测哦!
- Astronomical observatories began to distribute the precise time to the railroad companies by telegraph. 于是,天文台开始负责将准确的时间用电报分送到各铁路公司。
- Whenever a time counter is removed from Aeon Chronicler while it's removed from the game, draw a card. 当你使用敲诈时间,任意牌手可以支付其一半生命,小数点后进位。若有牌手如此做,则反击敲诈时间。
- A precise time integration algorithm is developed for solving the dynamic equation in flexible manipulators. 本文给出了精细时程积分法求解柔性机械臂动力学方程的方法。
- Whenever a time counter is removed from Detritivore while it's removed from the game, destroy target nonbasic land. 于噬岩兽被移出游戏的期间,每当移去其上一个计时指示物时,消灭目标非基本地。
- Then Herod secretly called the wise men and asked them the precise time the star appeared. 黑落德王秘密地召见那几位贤士,询问了星星出现的确切时间,
- If it doesn't have suspend, it gains suspend. (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter from that card. 若它原本不具有延缓,则它获得延缓。(在你的维持开始时,从该牌上移去一个计时指示物。
- Belenko: In terms of the evolution of my thoughts and making the conclusion to escape I do not have a precise time. 关于我思想的变化和决定要逃离方面,我没有准确的时间。
- Whenever a time counter is removed from Roiling Horror while it's removed from the game, target player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life. 于翻搅惊惧兽被移出游戏的期间,每当移去其上一个计时指示物时,目标玩家失去1点生命且你获得1点生命。
- SQL Server returns date and time values that match exactly the month, day, and year, and at the precise time of 12:00:00:000 A.M. (default). SQL Server将返回月、日、年完全匹配的日期和时间值;精确时间表示为12:00:00:000 A.;M
- In this paper, load identification is studied in the time domain by combining the coupling method and the precise time integration method. 该文通过耦合方法与精细时程积分法的结合,对载荷辨识问题进行时域分析和推导。
- However, before the official opening of the Games, batmen worn olive branch run among the cities and told each other the precise time of the Games. 但是在正式比赛开始之前,头戴橄榄枝环的传令兵在各城邦之间奔走相告运动会正式开始的准确时间。
- If you have no cards in hand when Aeon Chronicler's last time counter is removed, then the order in which the two abilities are put on the stack becomes relevant. 如果移去亘古纪年者其上最后一个计时指示物时,你没有手牌,则这两个异能进入堆叠的顺序便很重要。
- High precision time, outputting second pulse reach microsecond. 时间精度高、输出秒脉冲精度达微秒级。