- precipitation change pattern 降水变化
- DIFN had a change pattern revers... 中国科学院研究生院;
- The distribution pattern and productivity of terrestrial ecosystem are greatly affected with the future global severer change,especially global precipitation change. 本文选择毛乌素沙地优势灌木油蒿为研究对象,人控4种降水量梯度来探讨油蒿幼苗的生理生态对降水量的响应。
- Effect of simulated precipitation change on growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of Caragana interme. Dia in Maowasu sandland. 毛乌素沙地中间锦鸡儿幼苗生长、气体交换和叶绿素荧光对模拟降水量变化的响应。
- Xiao C.W., G.S.Zhou.Study on the Water Balance in Three Dominant Plants with Simulated Precipitation Change in Maowusu Sandland.Acta Bot. 肖春旺;周广胜.;不同浇水量对毛乌素沙地沙柳幼苗气体交换过程及其光化学效率的影响
- Change pattern, process and landscape ecological significance in ecotone of agriculture and grassland in north China. 农牧交错带变迁的格局与过程及其景观生态意义。
- The liver is also similar with the muscle change pattern, but the PFK change is not obvious. 肝脏亦与肌肉的变化模式相似,但PFK变化不明显。
- The purpose analyses the correlativity between research footmark length and height and its change pattern in the round. 目的全面分析研究足迹长度与身高之间的相关关系及其变化规律。
- Response is investigated for seedlings of Salix psammophila,a dominant shrub in Ordas plateau,to the global precipitation change by artificially controlling water supply at four levels. 选择鄂尔多斯高原优势灌木沙柳为研究对象,人为控制4种供水量水平来探讨沙柳幼苗对模拟降水量变化的响应。
- In modern chinese phonetics, tone sandhi of reduplicated adjectives, which is due to the influence of Beijing dialect, is often taught as an important sound change pattern. 摘要在现代汉语语音教学中,叠音形容词变调常作为一条重要的音变规律提出。
- A comparative study on the hypha change pattern of six Flammulina velutipes strains at different growth periods was reported in tins paper. 对6株金针菇菌丝在发育过程中的生长变化规律作了比较研究。
- The present paper also reports the results of 1176-year precipitation changes in Dulan inferred from tree-ring data. 三是利用祁连圆柏的树轮宽度,重建了青海都兰地区1176年的降水量。
- Change pattern of xylanase activity in the GIT : Xylanase activity in different GITsegments differed significantiy when enzymes were supplemented. 木聚糖酶活性变化 小麦日粮中添加木聚糖酶制剂,21日龄肉仔鸡消化道各段木聚糖酶活性存在显著差别。 其中空肠木聚糖酶活性最大,盲肠和十二指肠活性次之。
- In the leeward slope, downslope wind and bypass-hill airflow affected the atmospheric vertical motion, which led the precipitation changes. 而在背风坡,下坡风和绕山气流影响大气垂直运动,引起降水量变化;
- Abstract: Objection: To determine the change pattern of ephedrine and glyrihhzine acid in mahuang and gancao pair medicines and Maxingganshi decoction. 中文摘要: 目的:考察麻黄与甘草酸碱对药在麻杏甘石汤中配伍前后麻黄碱与甘草酸提取量的变化规律。
- Objective To explore the change pattern of fibrillation potential amplitude in human denervated skeletal muscle and its relationship with denervated muscles. 目的研究失神经支配肱二头肌纤颤电位波幅的变化规律,并探索其与肌肉萎缩程度的关系。
- The change pattern of C/N ratio in branches and leave were accordant i.e. the C/N went down and reached vale in the first six weeks, and then the C/N ratio varied with treatments. 枝条、叶片碳氮比的总体变化规律是一致的,即在处理前6周内碳氮比显著下降,出现一个低谷,在第8周后因试验处理不同而有差别。
- sensitive center of precipitation change 降水变化敏感区
- annual temperature and precipitation change 气温降水变化
- And all our markets have suffered as overseas fund managers precipitately change their weightings in this region without taking time to weigh up the fundamentals. 另一方面,海外基金经理没有花点时间评估亚太区的基本因素,便突然改变他们在亚太区的投资比重,这使区内所有市场都蒙受损失。