- We prosper through the maintenance of an open trading system. 通过持续使用开放的交易系统,我们生意兴隆。
- Cash Balance combined with Open Trade Equity on a marked-to-market basis. 在逐日结算的基础上,现金平衡与未平仓交易资产的总和。
- The importance of open trade is a lesson we have learned from our own history. 开放贸易的重要性是我们从自身的历史中总结出来的。
- The open trading practices of the west allowed the free flow of capital,goods and information. 西方采取开放的营商手法,容许资金、商品和资讯自由流通。
- Turkey certainly has a legal obligation to open trade links with the (Greek-Cypriot) republic. 土耳其当然有法律义务向(希族)塞浦路斯共和国开放贸易通道。
- The open trading practices of the west allowed the free flow of capital, goods and information. 西方采取开放的营商手法,容许资金、商品和资讯自由流通。
- Strongly anti-protectionist on trade, we are pioneers of free and open trade and today its greatest exponents. 强烈反对贸易壁垒,我们是自由和开放贸易的先锋,是先进最伟大的典范。
- Necessary Margin is the initial USD margin amount that is required to be in an account to cover all of a Client's open trading positions. 必要保证金是客户所有未平仓交易的保证金金额。
- To win the fight for open trade, rising growth, and an end to poverty we need to engage with a world economy in troubled times. 为了获得开放式贸易和经济持续增长,告别贫穷,我们需要在复杂的形势下同样积极地参与世界经济。
- It supplies millions with anti-malarial bed nets or drugs.It has written off a lot of debt and pushed for open trade. 美国还提供数百万的抗疟疾药物和床帐,它免除了许多非洲国家的债务,努力争取贸易开放。
- Competition encourages not only specialisation, the classic result of more open trade, but also increased productivity. 传统上说随着贸易的不断开放,激烈的竞争可以促进产业的专门化,还可以提高生产力。
- Some of this revitalisation of European business is due to the impetus from a more open trading system in a global economy. 欧洲在某些领域再度崛起,其开放贸易体系在全球经济中的推动作用功不可没。
- The only road to enduring prosperity and stability is though open markets and open trade. 持续繁荣和稳定的唯一道路是打开市场和开放贸易。”
- The only road to enjoy class enduring prosperity and stability is though open markets and open trade. 保持持续繁荣和稳定的唯一的方法是开放的市场和开放的贸易。
- The only road to enduring prosperity and stability is through open markets and open trade. 通往持久繁荣和稳定的唯一之路是畅开市场和贸易之门”。
- To win the fight for open trade,rising growth,and an end to poverty we need to engage with a world economy in troubled times. 为了获得开放式贸易和经济持续增长,告别贫穷,我们需要在复杂的形势下同样积极地参与世界经济。
- Over the past ten years,thanks to this increasingly open trading system,the emerging economies of Asia have nearly doubled their share of world exports. 过去十年,由于贸易制度日益开放,亚洲新崛起的经济体系,其出口商品在全球出口商品中,所占比率几乎倍增。
- Over the past ten years, thanks to this increasingly open trading system, the emerging economies of Asia have nearly doubled their share of world exports. 过去十年,由於贸易制度日益开放,亚洲新崛起的经济体系,其出口商品在全球出口商品中,所占比率几乎倍增。
- Mr Fang said the new trading mechanism between the two markets would require special custodian arrangements that would allow investors to open trading accounts on both markets. 方星海表示,两个市场之间的新交易机制,需要有特殊的托管安排,使投资者可以在两个市场均设立交易账户。
- "Bogor Goals, namely, free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for industrialised economies and 2020 for developing economies". "茂物目标,即发达经济体到2010年,发展中经济体到2020年,在亚太地区实现自由开放的贸易和投资。"