- I used to be called praying mantis. 我总是被嘲笑太瘦。
- A. Did you bring the praying mantis I asked for? 下面哪一个选项最有可能对图片中的男生说?
- The female praying mantis often eats the male after they mate. 雌螳螂在与雄螳螂交尾后,经常吃掉对方。
- Scorpions, praying mantis, centipedes, large insectivorous spiders, etc. 蝎子,祈祷螳螂, centipedes ,大型食虫蜘蛛等。
- That's what the female praying mantis says before she bites the male's head off. 这是母螳螂会说的 在她把公螳螂的头咬下来前
- He yearns to returns the greetings of the large and small insects he meets, such as a locust, a praying mantis, a spittlebug, a luna moth, and some mosquitoes. 他不理蝗虫与螳螂哥哥,也不和飞蛾姊姊与甲虫阿姨打招呼,更别说那些蚊子了。
- We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. 我们喜欢看有关昆虫的书,尤其是当我们了解螳螂等过着一种令人生畏的生活时,就更加爱读有关昆虫的书了。
- A woman looked at a huge robot of praying mantis exhibited at a shopping mall in Marunouchi business district in Tokyo on Saturday. 周六一名女人,注视著展出在东京丸之内商业区一间购物商场里头的大极了的螳螂机器人。
- He thinks he is - which onions? Thanks to his ability point, I also want to contest, was simply praying mantis arm when the car! 他觉得自己是这葱?由于他的能力点,我也想比赛,只不过是螳臂当车!
- CCTV can give us Northern Praying Mantis players this opportunity, this is our These players all these years of a wish. 中央电视台能够给我们螳螂拳的选手这个机会,这也是我们这些选手这么多年的一个心愿。
- Master Wilson Wu demonstrates 7-Star Praying Mantis Fighting Concepts &Applications with his studen... 七星螳螂拳的技击概念之一-----摔打合一
- My family's Satsuma Ye, does not eat does not drink, thin elephant praying mantis! 您的位置:我也知道>娱乐休闲>宠物>我家的萨摩耶,不吃不喝,瘦的像刀螂!
- Mantis horrible We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that; like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. 我们喜欢看有关昆虫的书,尤其是当我们了解到螳螂等过着一种令人生畏的生活时,就更加爱读有关昆虫的书了。
- This film penetrates the world of these "personified aliens" and shows never before seen pictures of how a new species of praying mantis lives, loves and dies. 这部影片深入探讨“人格化的外来居民”的世界,展示给大家从没见过的新种类合掌螳螂如何生存,求爱和死亡的画面。
- The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. 螳螂交配前,母螳螂先求爱并将公蟑螂的头扯掉,然后才能与公蟑螂进行交配。
- They are said to come from the Pleiades, Orion, Lyra, Vega, , Arcturus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, the home of the Praying Mantis Race or tall grays. 据说它们是来自昴宿星团、猎户星座、天琴座、织女星、大角星、仙女座、仙后座等,是螳螂族类或高大的灰人的家园。
- Hao Cheng Guang finally defeated in the finals of the Northern Praying Mantis cut on the road, so many people Ewan sigh. 郝程光最后还是败在了晋级螳螂拳总决赛的道路上,这让很多人都扼腕叹息。
- The Praying Mantis allegedly have long, narrow faces with long, narrow large eyes slanted upward and outward in an almost V position. 螳螂依其申述是拥有长而窄的面孔,狭长的大眼睛向上和向外倾斜,几乎呈V字形的姿势。
- The calving of an Arctic iceberg releases a giant praying mantis, trapped in suspended animation since prehistoric times. 北极冰川的解冻,一只史前年代被困其中处于假死状态的巨大螳螂苏醒!
- Mouning will be in the semifinals against Shi Lei, two-meeting, the Northern Praying Mantis match next week will become a major bright spot. 牟宁将在半决赛中对阵石磊,两强相遇,必将成为下周螳螂拳比赛的一大亮点。