- The test provided us with a pragmatic analysis of the value of this course. 这次测试对我们开设这门课程的价值提供了实事求是的分析依据。
- English models are very complicated in usage. This paper analyzes and studies their semantic classification and feature, and pragmatic analysis. 英语情态动词的用法比较复杂,对其语义分类、义特征和语用分析等方面进行分析和研究。
- The pragmatic analysis concentrates on Grice’s four maxims of Cooperative Principle (CP): the maxims of quality, quantity, manner and relevance. 语用分析主要从Grice合作原则中的四个会话准则出发,对聊天室会话和面对面会话进行对比分析。这四个会话准则分别是:量的准则、质的准则、方式准则和关系准则。
- Teachers should,through acculturation and pragmatic analysis,help students to cultivate cultural and contextual awareness to promote their ability in language understanding. 教师应通过文化导入和语用分析,帮助学生培养文化意识和语境意识,以提高语言理解能力。
- For example, we have introduced Blakemore’s study on the pragmatic analysis of discourse markers as well as Haegeman’s study on the analysis of the two tense related phrases ‘will’ and ‘be going to’. 第一章为关联理论研究综述,重点为最近阶段关联理论在语言因素制约以及二语研究领域中的应用。
- Based on theories of conversational implicature, co-operative principles and politeness principles, this paper gives an introduction to two kinds of hedges and makes a pragmatic analysis of them. 本文首先介绍了两类模糊限制语,然后试图就模糊限制语的使用分别从会话含义、合作原则及礼貌原则等视角进行语用分析。
- This paper tends to discuss the formation of English euphemisms and make a pragmatic analysis of their appearance and existence so as to show a global picture of English euphemisms. 本文探讨英语中委婉语的构成方式,并从语用的角度分析英语委婉语产生和存在的理据,旨在对英语委婉语有一个全面的认识。
- This thesis is a pragmatic analysis of nominalization, which is understood as a realization of human beings' adaptation to the general purpose of successful communication in written English. 本文从语用的角度对名词化进行分析,认为书面英语中名词化的使用是为了要进行顺应,从而实现某些具体的交际目的。
- A Pragmatic Analysis of Code- switching 语码转换的语用考察
- A Pragmatic Analysis of Linguistic Nonarbitrariness 语言非任意性的语用考察
- A Pragmatic Analysis of the Verb-object Word 关于离合词的语用问题
- A Pragmatic Analysis on Peddling Language 叫卖语语用分析
- Pragmatic Analysis in Subjunctive Structure 虚拟结构的语用分析
- Pragmatic Analysis of English Hypallage 英语移就辞格的语用分析
- Pragmatic Analysis of Speech Act and IRC Utterances 言语行为和IRC话语的语用分析
- Pragmatic Analysis of Utterance Humor 言语幽默的语用分析
- Pragmatic Analysis of the Written Business English 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析
- Pragmatic analysis of deliberate misinterpretation 刻意曲解的语用研究
- Pragmatic Analysis and The Translation of The Text 俄语语用与篇章翻译
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人