- Be harmonious but tolerant of difference; practice benevolence according to the common principle; associate according to the priority of position; and it's the people who are to comment. 和而不同、依理施仁。位优先礼、评说在民。
- An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and long course. Is it not a heavy responsibility, which is to practice benevolence? Is it not a long course, which will end only with his death? 士不可义不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?
- He did it out of pure benevolence. 他做那件事完全出於善意。
- For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed. 一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。
- He has been barred from practicing medicine. 他被禁止行医。
- The child is practicing a tumble. 那孩子在练习翻筋斗。
- Practicing gongfu strengthens the physique. 武术可以锻炼筋骨。
- The true source of cheerfulness is benevolence. 快乐的真正源泉是行善。
- How much time do you spend practicing English everyday? 你每天花多少时间练习英文?
- practicing benevolence 行仁
- I didn't offer to give my benevolence. 我并没表示要捐款。
- If you keep practicing like that you'll soon be up with me. 如果你坚持那样练习,你很快就会赶上我的。
- Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity. 慈善、博爱对他人或人类的仁慈或慷慨
- Showing or practicing caution; careful. 谨慎的表现或做事谨慎的; 小心认真的
- His benevolence made it possible for many poor children to attend college. 他的善心使得许多穷孩子上大学成为可能。
- Benevolence had singled him for uncommon benefits. 仁慈的力量把他挑出来给以不同寻常的恩赐。
- His benevolence made him famous. 他的善行使他出名。
- Practising in earnest, one draws near benevolence. 力行进乎仁
- Maitreya means one with benevolence. 弥勒菩萨弥勒是梵语的音译,弥勒为姓,意译慈氏。
- He made money by practicing usury. 他靠放高利贷生财。