- He met a powerful opponent in the match. 比赛中,他遇到了强劲的对手。
- Looking at the powerful opponent, he had a sense of inferiority. 看到对手那么强大,他有点自惭形秽。
- Poverty may be a powerful opponent that could potentially hinder Jericho from reaching his dreams but the young actor proved otherwise. 贫穷可能是一个强大的对手有可能阻碍杰里科达成他的梦想,但年轻的演员证明并非如此。
- In sanctioning the independence of the army, National Socialist did not accept an equally powerful opponent, but the most vital and formidable protagonist of its own imperialist interests. 在特许军队独立地位的同时,国家社会主义不把军队当作一个强有力的对手而是作为其帝国主义旨趣的一种最富活力、人难以抗拒的宣传队。
- In sanctioning the independence of the army,National Socialist did not accept an equally powerful opponent, but the most vital and formidable protagonist of its own imperialist interests. 在特许军队独立地位的同时,国家社会主义不把军队当作一个强有力的对手而是作为其帝国主义旨趣的一种最富活力、令人难以抗拒的宣传队。
- He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left. 他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒。
- But fortunately, in face of these powerful opponents, you can become powerful, or only on the failure, there are no betweenness. 5、忌血粉:血粉是蛋白质含量较高的饲料,在给畜禽服补骨脂、旱半夏、何首乌、生地、熟地等中草药时,切忌与血粉同服。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- But fortunately, in face of these powerful opponents, you can become powerful, or only on the failure, there are no betweenness.Nike tn used air cushion technology. 在山东、河北、辽宁等地,大鲆鱼养殖发展迅速,养鱼方式提升到工业水平,成为一个大的水产养殖业。
- The big-game fisher sees the bluefin tuna as a sleek and powerful opponent; 狩猎大型鱼的渔夫把黑鲔视为健壮有力的对手;
- Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormongers. 事实是对造谣者最有力的回答。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。