- DD: Will the power influence the artist's demeanor? 那权力会否影响一个艺术家的风度?
- It exercised a powerful influence upon the sensibility of the age. 这对当时读者的感官自有很大的影响。
- Change of climate must have had a powerful influence on migration. 气候的变化对于迁移必曾有过极大的影响。
- The media has a powerful influence on public opinion. 传媒对舆论有巨大的影响。
- Please use your powerful influence [great effort] to support us. 请鼎力支持。
- Why does culture exert such a powerful influence on a school's effectiveness? 文化为什麽在学校的效力上产生这样强而有力的影响?
- Am I sufficiently sensitive to the powerful influence of my actions? 我是否对我的行动的强大影响足够敏感?
- His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on American and British fiction in the20 th century. 他简洁明白的文字风格对20世纪的英美小说影响极深。
- His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on American and British fiction in the 20th century. 他简洁明白的文字风格对20世纪的英美小说影响极深。
- It is because advertisements have powerful influence that the profiteer often tricks the public by them. 因为广告拥有巨大的影响使得获利者通过他们欺骗群众。
- Technologies can exert a powerful influence on the lifelong learning process, as well as to help overcome various inequalities in society. 科技在终生学习过程中能够发挥重大作用,有助消除社会上种种不平等现象。
- As a alternative approach, social capital has a increasingly powerful influence in the explanation of the dilemma of collective action. 社会资本理论作为一种替代进路在解释集体行动困境问题上具有日益广泛的影响力。
- Your environment has a subtle, yet constant and therefore powerful influence on many aspects of your life. It pays to make that influence as positive and empowering as possible. 你的环境会对你的人生产生一个微妙的、持续的影响,所以它会强有力的影响许多因素,它会产生尽可能的积极的强大的影响。
- Once a linguistic tradition has been established, it will have a powerful influence in guiding the up-coming linguists on its groove for academic pursuit. 摘要语言学传统形成了以后就会造成非常强大的导向力量,使得后来的语言学家们都顺着已开辟的道路继续学术讨论。
- These factors powerfully influenced the course of history. 这些因素大大地影响了历史的进程。
- However, before that, Machiavelli's analyse on the history of South Korea prevails, namely, the struggles for power influence polity extremely for lack of legitimacy. 而在此历史时刻到来之前,韩国史将难逃马基雅维里有关权力和正统性的分析,即公认正统性的缺乏,使得赤裸裸的权力斗争在政治中占据过重分量。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- The gopis became completely infatuated and, in a secluded place, they began to describe the form and qualities of Sri Krsna and the powerful influence of His flute to their intimate companions. 牧牛姑娘完全地入迷了,她们在一个偏僻的地方开始向自己的亲密同伴描述主奎师那的形象,品质和祂笛子的强烈影响。
- Looks can have an especially powerful influence on the minority of floating voters who determine election results, says Linda Bilmes, a professor of government at America's Harvard University. 哈佛大学政治学教授LindaBilmes认为,对于那些能够左右选举结果的少数摇摆不定的选民而言,候选人的外貌能够产生特别大的影响力。
- Lin Yutang is a cultural celebrity in 20th century in China.He is an important writer with powerful influences in prose literature as well. 林语堂是中国20世纪的一位文化名人,也是一位有重要影响的散文大家。