- J. Arrillaga, B.C. Smith, N.R Watson and A.R. Wood, Power System Harmonic Analysis, WILEY, 1997. 经济部工业局,欧洲共同体工业产品规格制度、标准、验证、商标及检验等有关法规之后续研究,台湾经济研究院研究报告,民国85年6月。
- J. Arrillaga, B. C Smith, N. R Watson and A. R Wood, “Power System Harmonic Analysis, ” John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 1997. 徐享鹏撰,“谐波对史考特变压器差动保护的影响分析与模拟测试”,中原大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,92年度。
- A simple method that can be used to analyse the simple power system harmonic is introduced. 介绍了一种分析和解决简单电力系统中谐波问题的简单方法。
- J.Arrillaga, B.C.Smith, N.R.Waston, and A.R.Wood, Power System Harmonic Analysis, John Wiley&Sons Ltd., West Sussex, 1995. 陈新得,工程数学分析整理(上),全华科技图书股份有限公司,台北,2000。
- In this paper,the double-speed synchronous sampling method is introduce d to the power system harmonic measurement, and the corresponding algorithm mode l of DFT is deduced. 将双速率同步采样法用于电力系统谐波测量,导出相应的DFT计算模型。
- The versatile digital simulation program for AC/DC power systems developed by the authors is expanded and perfected, and on the basis of above, an AC/DC system harmonic analysis package is developed by using FFT. 本文进一步发展和完善了作者开发的交直流(AC/DC)系统通用数字仿真程序,并在此基础上应用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)方法开发了AC/DC系统谐波分析程序。
- Power System Harmonics; TCR; Harmonics Modeling; Switching function; Harmonic analysis; Harmonic power flow demonstrate the algorithm and performance of the proposed method. 因此对电力系统谐波进行研究具有比较现实的意义。
- common power system harmonic standard 公用电网谐波标准
- J. Arrillaga, D. A. Bradley, and P. S. Bodger, Power System Harmonics, John Wiley &Sons, New York,1985. 陈在相,输电系统不平衡之量测与分析,台湾电力公司八十一年度研究发展专题。
- Abstract: In this paper,the double-speed synchronous sampling method is introduce d to the power system harmonic measurement, and the corresponding algorithm mode l of DFT is deduced. 文摘:将双速率同步采样法用于电力系统谐波测量,导出相应的DFT计算模型。
- The paper first introduces the basic knowledge of power system harmonics, and points out the importance of studying harmonics. 本文首先介绍了电力系统谐波的基本知识,并指出了电力系统谐波研究的艰巨任务和重大意义。
- electrical power system harmonic 电力系统谐波
- The planners had not provided for a failure of the power system. 计画制定者未对动力系统可能出现故障一事制定应变措施。
- Because the electric power system harmonics have badly been polluting the electric environment, all nations are rather concerned about the harmonics and enter the research of harmonics actively. 电力系统谐波对电力系统环境造成严重污染,引起世界各国都对谐波问题给予了十分的关注和关心,并积极地对谐波进行讨论和研究。
- Analysis and Calculation of Power System Harmonic Power Flow About Rectifier Loads 含整流装置负荷的电力系统谐波潮流分析与计算
- Eyad A. Abu Al-Feilat, Ibrahim El-Amin, and Maamar Bettayeb, "Power system harmonic estimation:a comparative study, " 张永农;电力暂态谐波研究;国立中山大学电机工程学系博士论文;民国八十四年六月.
- Computer aidid power systems analysis II. 电力系统计算机辅助分析2。
- Chengdu Monolithic Power Systems Co., Ltd. 成都芯源系统有限公司。
- The Agilent modular power system saves rack space. 安捷伦的模块式电源系统可节省机架空间。
- Monitor the electric power system. 监控厂区电力系统。