- Effortless and fast shifting with power shift gearbox assembly. 采用电控动力换档变速箱,操作灵活、方便、可靠。
- If the power shift pressure decreases, the pump will upstroke in order to increase the output of the pump. 如果力量转移压力减少, 泵浦意志向上的一击为了增加泵浦的产品。
- TY165 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. TY165推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力机械传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。
- Last week he presided over a power shift that irreversibly gave control of his company to one minority shareholder. 他在上一个星期做了一个巨大的变动,这就是把他们公司的控制权回退给一些少数的持股人。
- The main products for a variety of wheel loaders and mechanical engineering-driven bridge, dry, wet brakes and ZL-round series Power Shift Gearbox. 主要产品为各种轮式装载机及各种工程机械驱动桥、干式、湿式轮边制动器及ZL系列动力换档变速箱。
- In view of this fact, this paper puts forward an easy way to extend the programmable controller output ports with power shift register TPIC6B595. 针对这个实际 ,文中提出了一种用功率移位寄存器TPIC6B5 95扩展可编程控制器输出端口的简易方法
- TYS120 LLGP bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for the extra requirement of the ground pressure. TYS120超湿地推土机系刚性悬挂、械和动力换档变速传动、压操纵的结构型式,是一种能满足使用工况对接地比压有特殊要求的湿地型履带推土机。。
- TYS120LLGP bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for the extra requirement of the ground pressure. TYS120超湿地推土机系刚性悬挂、机械和动力换档变速传动、液压操纵的结构型式,是一种能满足使用工况对接地比压有特殊要求的湿地型履带推土机。。
- TYS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for watery, soft, viscous soil conditions. 2湿地推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。特别适用于含水比较高、松软、粘性土质工况下作业。
- The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. 力量均势从工人向雇主倾斜。
- Writer roundup: Has the balance of power shifted in the East? 夏季转会使东西部实力趋于平衡了么?
- TYS165 bulldozer is of power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It features good performance, flexible operation, good quality, high efficiency, especially used in waterlogged area. TYS165推土机系液力机械传动、液压操纵、低比压履带推土机。该机性能优良,操作灵活方便,质量可靠,工作效率高,特别适合沼泽地和含水量比较高的松软地带使用。
- TY120 bulldozer is rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for road construction, water and electricity engineering, farmland leveling, port building, mining and other engineering conditions. TY120推土机系刚性悬挂、机械和动力换档变速传动、液压操纵的履带式推土机,可用于道路修筑、水电工程、农田改造、港口建设、矿山开发及其它建筑工程项目的土石方作业。
- TY165 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type. It is applicable for road construction, water and electricity engineering farmland leveling, port building, mining and other engineering conditions. TY165推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力机械传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。可用于道路修筑、水电工程、农田改造、港口建设矿山开发及其它建筑工程项目的土石方作业。
- Having adopted three elements hydraulic toqueconverter, axial full power shift transmission, hinged frame, full hydraulic steering and four wheel drive, the ZL15 wheel loader has advanced performance. ZL15装载机设计合理造型美观,性能指标先进,采用了三元件液力变矩器,定轴式动力换挡变速箱,前后车架铰接,全液压转向;
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- This means that Medvedev will be the country's titular and ceremonial boss while power shifts to the government. 这种弱势总统和强势总理共同执政的局面将持续到2012年,到那时,普京可以再次竞选总统。
- By the 16th century power shifted from Angkor toward Phnom Penh after a period of erratic monsoons. 16世纪时,由于受到反复无常的季风侵扰,政权由吴哥迁移到了金边。
- Bangladesh pledge on power shift 孟加拉国承诺换挡
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。