- First of all, He came to atone for sin, so that its power over man was destroyed, and free access to God's presence and favour was secured. 首先,祂赦免我们的罪,洗净我们的不义,使罪不再辖制我们,且使人得与上帝和好,能进到祂的面前。
- You cannot give a man power over other men. 你不能给一个人控制他人的权力。
- God has absolute power over all. 全能的神(指基督教的上帝)。
- Some people believe that the Fates preside over man's destiny. 有些人相信,命运之神支配人类的命运。
- Permit us to show them that they have no power over any men. 请允许我们对他们说明,他们没有优于别人的权力。
- A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands. 领主在领土上实施最高权利的封建主
- Rasputin exercised some strong hypnotic power over the Tsar and his wife. 拉斯普廷对沙皇(指尼古拉二世)及皇后施以强大的催眠力。
- power over men 支配人的权力
- Moon- Serene power over mundane actions. 月亮-种超越世俗的,纯洁不可动摇的力量。
- Both begrudge any other kind of dominion held by man over man. 两人都抱怨人对人所保有的任何其他形式的统治。
- My power over you grows stronger yet. 我支配你的力量日益强大。
- My power over you shows stranger, stranger! 我的力量在你周围显得越来越强大!
- My power over you shows stronger yet. 我的力量在你周围已经显得越来越强大了。
- Technically, the Gestapo had no jurisdiction over men in uniform. 按照规定,盖世太保并不掌握军人的生杀大权。
- The dictator held absolute power over his people. 那独裁者握有对人民的绝对权力。
- I will not get upset over men or women,but instead be poised. 阿联酋人讲英语我怎么能听得很明白,帮不了叨叨了。
- Never turn your power over to another person. 自己的权利绝不移交于人。
- I give you my body, the power over me. 给你我的身体我的力量。
- Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。
- To hate is to give others power over you. 憎恨就是给予别人超越你的力量。