- power of information structure 信息结构力
- First, we compare the efficiency of two basic kinds of information structure: hierarchy and transverse coordination from the angle of information coordination. 该文首先从信息协调的角度出发 ,对等级制和横向协调两种最基本的治理结构和信息结构进行了效率比较。
- Media power is the basis of information dissemination and a recessive power of social control. 摘要媒介权力是新闻信息传播的基础和隐性的社会控制力量。
- Information energy, carried by physical energy, is real power of the motion and change of information. 而由“物质能”所负载的“信息能”,是信息世界运动变化的真正动力。
- Thus this article points out that the key to solve the SMEs' credit rationing is the improvement of information structure in SMEs' credit market, rather than administration means. 由此,本文认为通过行政手段解决中小企业信贷配给问题是不可取的,当前解决中小企业信贷配给问题的重心应当放在切实改善中小企业信贷市场的信息结构上。
- The normalization and decentralization of information structure is low, which means one-side monopoly of information and insiders control to outside economic body. 信息结构的规范度和分散度较低,意味着对外部经济主体的“信息单边垄断”和“内部人控制”;
- While they believed in the power of information and communications technology, they disagreed that an on-line database could achieve development. 虽然他们相信信息通信技术的威力,但他们不认为建立在线数据库可以达到发展的目标。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。
- He misdeemed the power of the opposition. 他对对方的实力作了错误的估计。
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後丧失了说话能力。
- He's mine of information about insects. 他在昆虫方面有着渊博的知识。
- He has lost the power of speech. 他丧失了言语能力。
- A supporter of the rights and power of the people. 人民党主义者人民权利与权力的支持者
- He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源。
- My neighbor is a mine of information about history. 我的一位邻居历史知识十分渊博。
- The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy. 国王试图削弱教会的权力。
- Analysis of information structure in text 语篇信息结构的认知分析
- Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar. 通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力
- This map is sparing of information. 这地图内容贫乏。
- The power of the press is very great. 新闻界的力量非常大。