- power drop hammer 蒸汽锤,动力落锤
- Wang Mei-service power drop during the Asian Cup on a more fully exposed. 王一梅发球威力下降,在这次亚洲杯赛上暴露得更加充分。
- To forge or stamp(a metal)between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- To forge or stamp(a metal) between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- Over-loading of strong flash pyrotechnic composite was studied by using drop hammer simulation device. 采用大落锤冲击装置模拟研究了强闪光烟火药的过载能力。
- Abstract: The epoxy plastic (EP) moulding surface of drop hammer die seriously presented embrittlement and deformation while drop pressing. 文摘:原有的环氧塑料落压模在使用过程中模具型面脆裂变形严重。
- Because of its simplicity and convenience in use, drop hammer test machine is increasingly turned into the situation of important test equipment for studying impact capability of isolator. 摘要落锤试验方法,因装置结构简单,操作方便,现已成为在隔振器冲击性能研究领域中重要的手段。
- instrumental drop hammer machine 仪器化落锤实验机
- Power failures are easily detected by monitoring the AC power line and causing an NMI interrupt whenever AC power drops out. 掉电很容易通过监控AC电源线而被发现,从而一旦AC电源掉电,就会导致一个NMI中断。
- drop hammer pile hammer, drop hammer 蒸汽汽锤
- According to the simulation results there exists an optimal degree of pumping directionality, at which the total noise power drops to its lowest value. 不同的增益下存在对应的最优抽运方向度,在此抽运方向度下放大器总噪声最低。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Vibration parameter measure on drop hammer impact test machine 在落锤冲击试验机上进行的隔振器振动参数识别
- Application of Drop Hammer Defcection Beam in Pavement Detection 落锤式弯沉仪在路面检测中的应用
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- Design of pile foundation for the drop hammer workshop in soft soil 软土地基落锤车间桩基础的设计
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Manafacture and application of drop hammer test machine 落锤试验机的研制及应用
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- A heavy metal body, especially the head of a power hammer. 锤头一种重的金属体,特指汽锤或打桩机的锤头