- power being given and accepted 权力授受
- Treatment should be given and supervised by a doctor. 有关治疗应由医生进行。
- The signal was given and the procession moved off. 信号一发出,车队就出发了。
- Bundles of incentives were given and withdrawn. 提拔和贬职被狂热地操控。
- Those who deliberately delay in giving and do not give examination and approval and acceptance check to fire control design and construction projects that shall be given examination and approval and acceptance check in accordance with law. 对应当依法审核、验收的消防设计、建筑工程,故意拖延,不予审核、验收的。
- Two fomes of STOLZ theorem are given and extend. 给出STOLZ定理的两种形式并把它们进行了推广,讨论了它们的应用。
- Anti-tuberculous therapy was given and the patient became afebrile. 病人在给予抗结核药物治疗后,发烧情形改善。
- The test effect in CERNET in east China was given and analysed. 最后给出了算法在科研教育网华东某省主干网络的实际测试效果,并进行了分析。
- The organs through which the people exercise state power are the NPC and local people's congresses. Deputies to the people's congresses at all levels are elected,and are responsible to and accept supervision from the people. 全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会作为人民行使国家权力的机关,由人民民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。
- The organs through which the people exercise state power are the NPC and local people's congresses.Deputies to the people's congresses at all levels are elected,and are responsible to and accept supervision from the people. 全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会作为人民行使国家权力的机关,由人民民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。
- And from the smoke locusts came out on the earth; and power was given them, like the power of scorpions. 有蝗虫从烟中出来,飞到地上;有能力赐给他们,好像地上蝎子的能力一样,
- And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 5又赐给他说夸大亵渎话的口。又有权柄赐给他,可以任意而行四十二个月。
- And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. 有权柄赐给他们,可以用刀剑、饥荒、瘟疫(“瘟疫”或作“死亡”)、野兽,杀害地上四分之一的人。
- And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 又赐给他说夸大亵渎话的口。又有权柄赐给他,可以任意而行四十二个月。
- Could you be more flexible and accept D/A or D/P? 能不能通融一下接受承兑交单或付款交单?
- An antihistamine such as Benadryl will be given and, in severe cases, a shot of epinephrine. 电脑族、司机、大中小学生、白领、读写较多者、望近较多者。
- For patients who relapse, the same or different drugs may be given and the patient may also have an allotransplant. 对于病情易复发的患者,给予相同或不同的药物。而且,也有可能要进行异体移植。
- The energizing and deenergizing strategy for the binary-coded capacitor banks as well as the control method for SVG based on the theory of instantaneous reactive power are given. 给出了2进编码电容器组的投切策略和基于瞬时无功功率理论的静止无功补偿器的控制方法。
- A happy marriage depends largely on give and take. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。