- powder tablet forming method 粉末压片法
- Then we made the compound form method to find the optimums. 所编计算程序可通用。
- Demand has historically been greatest for Tamiflu, which comes in tablet form, while Relen must be inhaled. 达菲的需求已经达到了历史的最高值,它是片剂形式的,而瑞沙必须被吸入。
- Aspirin is a white,crystalline compound,CH3COOC6H4COOH,derived from salicylic acid and commonly used in tablet form to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation. 阿司匹林,乙醯水杨酸是一种从水杨酸中提取的白色晶体化合物,CH3COOC6H4COOH,常以片剂的方式用于减轻疼痛,退烧和消炎。
- A white, crystalline compound, CH3COOC6H4COOH, derived from salicylic acid and commonly used in tablet form to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation. 阿司匹林,乙醯水杨酸一种从水杨酸中提取的白色晶体化合物,CH3COOC6H4COOH,常以片剂的方式用于减轻疼痛,退烧和消炎
- The tablet form has several advantages including easiness to ship, less shelf space, economy in transport, more functional aids and convenience for use. 片状洗衣剂易于运输,占货架空间少,运输经济,含有更多的功能性助剂,使用更方便。
- SOD were tested with nitrite forming method, LPO were tested with thio-barbitone display method. 亚硝酸盐形成法测定SOD,硫代巴比妥显色法测定LPO。
- Being a precision forming method,Brazing is wildly used in joining complex shape parts and thin wall accessories. 钎焊作为一种精密成型的焊接方法,在形状复杂和薄壁零件连接中获得广泛应用。
- Being a precision forming method, Brazing is wildly used in joining complex shape parts and thin wall accessories. 钎焊作为一种精密成型的焊接方法,在形状复杂和薄壁零件连接中获得广泛应用。
- Convenient and safe, Jungamals LifePak has a taste uniquely developed for children with a natural blackcurrant flavour and colour, all in a chewable tablet form easy for children to take. 便利、安全的儿童如沛甜嚼锭,口味独特,是以天然的黑醋栗口味和色素特别为儿童研发而成,并将所有成分包含在一个容易让儿童咀嚼摄取的嚼锭之中。
- MPPF is the most optimal forming method, but it is expensive to achieve.More steps of MPDF can approximatively achieve the forming effect of MPPF. 多点压机成形是理想化的成形方式,但设备造价昂贵,多道次多点模具成形可以近似实现多点压机成形效果。
- The technology of pulling forming method of helical vane is introduced. Accurate vane materiol drawing is made by middle layer method. 介绍螺旋叶片拉伸成形工艺方法。以及如何采用中间层计算法准确计算螺旋叶片下料图尺寸。
- By means of fine-grinding technology and chemical synthesis, chewable eggshell powder tablets and chewable calcium citrate tablets are made by taking eggshell as raw materials. 摘要以鲜鸡蛋壳为原料,用微粉碎技术和化学合成方法,研制食用蛋壳粉咀嚼片和柠檬酸钙咀嚼片。
- The results show,that using roller forming method not only can improve normalization and forming speed,but can save the work space. 试验结果表明,采用液压法成形椭圆产品.不仅规整度高、产量大,而且节省生产占地面积和提高劳动生产率。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- This article introduces inner compound metal pipe manufacturing technology of the cold forming method,heat extrusion method and centrifugal foundry method as well as welding method. 介绍了国内外主要开发应用的冷成型法、热挤压法、离心铸造法和焊接法等内复合双金属复合管制造技术。
- This kind of tablet is soluble in water. 这种药片能溶于水。
- The terry forming method by use of loop sinker and the knittability are described.The influence of knitting conditions and parameters on the downy effect of the fabric is analysed. 本文介绍了毛圈沉降片形成毛圈的方法和编织可能性,并分析了经编弹力剪割丝绒的工艺条件和参数对毛绒效应的影响。
- Actually they even have vanilla powder. 实际上还可以加香草粉。
- TC4 (Ti-6A1-4V) alloy has comprehensively mechanical and machining properties and is the most widely used Ti ally, especially in aerospace and spaceflight. The conventional forming method for TC4 alloy is isothermal forming. TC4(Ti-6A1-4V)合金具有良好综合机械性能和加工性能,常用于航空航天器零件,是目前世界上应用最广泛的钛合金,其成熟塑性成形工艺是等温锻造。