- powder metallurgy press 粉冶用压机,粉末冶金压机
- Zhejiang Tianshi Powder Metallurgy Co., Ltd. 浙江省天石粉末冶金有限公司。
- Jiangmen City Powder Metallurgy Factory Co., LTD. 江门市粉末冶金厂有限公司。
- China International Powder metallurgy exhibition. 举办中国国际金属加工及磨削技术展览会。
- R.M. German, Powder Metallurgy, MPIF, New Jersey, 1994. 温绍炳,粉体混合与造粒,粉末冶金技术手册,第四章,p.;49-76,民国八十三年。
- In powder metallurgy the metalto be formedis first grounded into a fine powder. 在粉末冶金中,首先将待成型的金属磨成粉末。
- M.N. Rittner and T. Abraham, “Inter. Powder Metallurgy” , 1998, pp.33-37. 冯庆芳,粉末冶金学,新文京开发出版公司,台湾,2002。
- The methods of powder metallurgy make it possible to secure compositions and properties not otherwise obtainable. 用粉末冶金法可取得用别的方法得不到的成分和性能。
- The molybdenum alloy reinforced by lanthana particles with the sizes of nanometer and micron was prepared by powder metallurgy. 采用粉末冶金法制备了微米尺寸和准纳米尺寸的氧化镧粒子增强钼合金。
- They are suitable for applications in cermet industries and in powder metallurgy ind-ustries. 适用于陶瓷业和粉未冶金行业。
- Two years experience in Powder Metallurgy industry, preferably with exposure to sales or business administration. 二年粉末冶金行业工作经验,有销售及商务工作经验。
- In recent years, powder metallurgy is developing rapidly especially in the east China, promotion10% every year. 近年来,我国粉末冶金行业发展很快,东部和沿海地区的年增长幅度均在10%25以上。
- This product is manufactured by powder metallurgy through compacting and pressure working. 本产品系采用粉末冶金方法经压坯和压力加工而制成。
- Metal Injection Molding, One step Vacuum de-wax sintering process, Powder metallurgy monthly. 1金属粉末射出成型真空一次脱蜡烧结法;粉末冶金月刊.
- Advantage and defect of semi-metallic, none-asbestos polymer and powder metallurgy were discussed. 探讨半金属基摩擦材料、非石棉有机摩擦材料和粉末冶金摩擦材料的优缺点。
- A.Salak, Ferrous Powder Metallurgy, Cambridge International Science Pub., pp. 62-102, 1980. 汪建民,粉末冶金技术手册,中华民国粉末冶金协会,页,101-103,民国八十年。
- J. S. Hirschhorn, Introduction to Powder Metallurgy, American Powder Metallurgy Institute, pp. 155-271, 1969. 黄坤祥,粉末冶金学,页,250,中华民国粉末冶金协会,民国九十年。
- Other industrial products are mainly coal, zirconia, powder metallurgy, corundum and so on. 其它工业产品主要有煤炭、氧化锆、粉末冶金、刚玉等。
- On the basis of traditional HSS, the superperformance HSS and powder metallurgy HSS had been researched and developed. 在传统的高速钢基础上,又发展了高性能高速钢和粉末冶金高速钢。
- Send invitations to the manufacturers, agents and dealers in powder metallurgy industry both home and abroad. 向国内外粉末冶金行业的制造商、代理商、经销商寄送邀请函;