- China today is blessed with many favorable conditions,some of them much more favorable than in the past,in its poverty alleviation drive. 二十一世纪初中国的扶贫开发存在着许多有利条件,而且一些条件较之过去更为有利。
- China today is blessed with many favorable conditions, some of them much more favorable than in the past, in its poverty alleviation drive. 二十一世纪初中国的扶贫开发存在着许多有利条件,而且一些条件较之过去更为有利。
- The development-oriented poverty alleviation drive in rural China early in the 21st century is a rare historical opportunity,but it still faces serious challenges and problems. 二十一世纪初中国的农村扶贫开发,既面临难得的历史机遇,也面临严峻挑战和尖锐问题。
- To enlist greater social involvement in this sphere of endeavor, the state will mobilize society at large to take part in the poverty alleviation drive, in addition to the resources provided by the government. 除了政府动用资源进行扶贫外,国家将进一步动员社会各界参与扶贫,增加社会扶贫的资源。
- To enlist greater social involvement in this sphere of endeavor,the state will mobilize society at large to take part in the poverty alleviation drive,in addition to the resources provided by the government. 除了政府动用资源进行扶贫外,国家将进一步动员社会各界参与扶贫,增加社会扶贫的资源。
- China today is blessed with many favorable conditions, some of them much more favorable than in the past, in its poverty alleviation drive 二十一世纪初中国的扶贫开发存在着许多有利条件,而且一些条件较之过去更为有利。
- For poverty alleviation loans, RMB 30 billion. 对于扶贫贷款,300亿元人民币。
- poverty alleviation drive 扶贫工作
- A sound base has been laid for the poverty alleviation work. 扶贫开发已有一个较好的基础。
- Standardizing the work of development-oriented poverty alleviation. 推进扶贫开发的规范化建设。
- Direct appropriation and provision of poverty alleviation loans. 直接拨款和提供扶贫贷款
- Increasing budgetary funds and loans for poverty alleviation. 增加财政扶贫资金和扶贫贷款。
- This organization has been committed itself to poverty alleviation. 这个组织一直致力于减少贫困的事业。
- Choosing suitable poverty alleviation projects and methods for the disabled. 选择适合残疾人特点的扶贫开发项目和方式。
- The Poverty Alleviation Program for Ethnic Minorities and Minority Areas. 少数民族和民族地区扶贫开发。
- Is social enterprise necessarily only relate to poverty alleviation? 社会企业的目标又是否只局限于扶贫?
- A paper summarizing the views of participants on poverty alleviation. 拟备文件,总结参加者对消减贫穷的意见。
- Poverty alleviation has gone hand in hand with improvements in basic services. 扶贫工作与基础设施的改进是分不开的。
- "We note with great admiration your commitment to the respect of human rights, democracy, and good governance as well as your humanitarian support for the drive toward poverty alleviation," he said. 库福尔说:“我们非常敬佩您尊重人权的努力,良好的执政业绩和为减轻贫困提供的人道主义援助。”
- The sustained growth of the economy in the future will quicken the process of the work of poverty alleviation. 未来经济的持续增长将加快扶贫开发的进程。