- They do so by traveling from the so-called presynaptic neuron across a tiny gap to bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron's cell membrane. 它们从所谓的突触前神经元出发,通过神经元之间的微小间隔,而与突触后神经元细胞膜上的受体相接。
- The immediate effects of this pharmacologic action are to increase the availability of norepinephrine and serotonin in the synapse and to increase stimulation of the postsynaptic neuron. 药理学活性的瞬即效应是为了提高突触对去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺的利用率,也为了增值突触后神经元的兴奋。
- Excitation and inhibition of postsynaptic neurons 突触后神经元的兴奋与抑制
- dorsal column postsynaptic neuron 背柱突触后神经元
- postsynaptic neurons. 神经突触后的神经元
- postsynaptic neuron 突触后神经元
- A junction between the axon of one neuron (presynaptic) and the dendrite of another (postsynaptic). 一种神经元(突触前)的轴突与另一个(突触后)的树突间的一类连接。
- Neurotransmitters traverse the physical space between two neurons and bind to special protein receptors on the postsynaptic cell. 神经传感横贯两个神经细胞的物质空间,在突触后的细胞中绑定特殊的蛋白质受体。
- Impulse acts as a message sent through a neuron. 冲动相当于通过神经元传送的信息。
- An neuron can have one or several dendrites. 一个神经元有一个或数个树突。
- And these neurons mainly distribute inL3-L5 DRGs. 并以L3-L5 DRGs支配为主。
- A single fibrous process. Used of a neuron. (神经细胞)单突的单个纤维构成的过程,用于神经细胞
- Gliosis around motor neurons was seen. 神经元周围胶质细胞增生。
- My neurons are)really firing today! 我的神经原是)真的发射今天!
- The 5-HT receptor existed in neurons of IMG. 在豚鼠IMG细胞膜上存在有5-HT受体。
- Applying intracellular recording method, the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) were extracted from the rat hippocampus CA1 pyramidal neurons in vitro. 摘要采用细胞内记录方法提取了离体大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP);
- It is known that application of adenosine in the LDT nucleus increases sleep in vivo and directly inhibits LDT neurons in vitro by activating postsynaptic adenosine A_1 receptors. 应用腺苷至大脑脚被盖背侧核,在活体中可增加睡眠,在实验室中可通过激活突触后膜腺苷A1受体抑制大脑脚被盖背侧核的神经元的活性。
- A single fibrous process.Used of a neuron. (神经细胞)单突的单个纤维构成的过程,用于神经细胞
- To generate an electrical impulse.Used of a neuron. 冲动产生一个电冲。用于神经细胞
- Hilus neuron lost in HS groups only. 门区神经元脱失仅在海马硬化组可见。