- Over the whole process of photography, people may be more intensively involved in the postproduction process. 而摄影作为一个新兴艺术创作的媒材,最初是与绘画性质相似的,与时代区域风格关系较大。
- postproduction processing 产出后处理
- My company can do processing with import material. 本公司可以做进料加工业务。
- And do you postproduction your works, if so, how? 你的作品,后期是如何处理的?
- A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature. 包含嵌套功能和宏功能的一种符号串处理语言。
- Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。
- The information obtained is often fed into a computer for rapid processing. 所获信息通常被输入计算机以进行快速分析处理。
- The processing and assemble business is a component part of our foreign trade. 加工和装配贸易是我国对外贸易的一个组成部分。
- The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. 那加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把定的货物赶出来为止。
- Innovations in postproduction have reduced costs, too. 后制的革新也能降低成本。
- A sequence of stored data or programs awaiting processing. 一系列等待处理的储存数据或程序
- But its potential processing power is not as large. 但是它潜在的处理能力并不大。
- In word processing, a function that enables text held in storage to be deleted. 字(词)处理技术中的一种功能,能删除保存在存储器中的正文。
- We may agree to do processing trade with you. 我们同意与你们进行来料加工贸易。
- In word processing, a facility to automatically underline text. 在字(词)处理技术中,自动在正文下面划线的一种设施
- They ration-alized the food processing last year. 他们去年对食品加工工序进行了合理化改革。
- The lawyer helped speed the processing of the will. 律师帮助尽快地执行遗嘱。
- We do all our data processing out house. 我们在室外做全部数据处理。
- Our computer is processing flight data. 我们的计算机正在对飞行数据进行处理。
- Many of the advances will come in data processing. 在数据处理过程中会有许多发现。