- postpartum anemia 产后贫血
- The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- How to get postpartum melancholia to do? 得了产后忧郁症怎么办?
- Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia. 牛不感染马传染性贫血。
- How to treat postpartum urticaria? 怎样治疗产后荨麻疹?
- AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia. 但AZT会引发严重的副作用,像是贫血。
- The doctor analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生化验血样看是否贫血。
- The doctors analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- Anemia may result from esophagitis. 食管炎可能引起贫血。
- Most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic. 多数再生障碍性贫血的病例是自发性的。
- Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision,subinvolution of uterus,retained placenta or decidua,endometritis,serious anemia,and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order. 结果发病原因依次为子宫切口裂开;子宫复旧不良;胎盘、蜕膜残留;子宫内膜炎;重度贫血;产后绒癌。发生时间以剖宫产术后3周以上占多数(67.;44%25);部分病例(16
- I was put on iron tablets for my anemia. 我曾因贫血吃补铁药片。
- Anemia is frequently seen in advanced disease. 贫血在进展期中最常见。
- Of, relating to, or suffering from anemia. 贫血的贫血的,与贫血有关的,或患贫血症的
- This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis. 出现镰状细胞危象的镰状细胞贫血。
- Thus, iron deficiency anemia is common. 因此缺铁性贫血就较为常见。
- Clinical analysis and follow-up study of 42 postpartum psychoses. 产后精神病42例的临床分析与随访。
- The doctor ascribes her tiredness to anemia. 医生说她的疲劳是由贫血引起的。
- Postpartum femoral neuropathy: relic of an earlier era? 产后股神经病:是更早年代的遗物?
- How is anemia caused? How to treat? 贫血是怎么引起的?怎么治疗?