- treadle type sewing machine with special cabinet 脚踏式特种柜式缝纫机
- treadle type sewing machine with 3 drawers 脚踏式三斗缝纫机
- treadle type sewing machine with square cabinet 脚踏式方柜式缝纫机
- treadle type sewing machine with drawer without cover 脚踏式一斗无盖缝纫机
- treadle type sewing machine with rectangular cabinet 脚踏式长方柜式缝纫机
- Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine? 你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?
- My mother-in-law has a sewing machine. 我婆婆有一台缝纫机。
- This sewing machine is driven by an electric motor. 这台缝纫机是靠电动机启动的。
- The sewing machine is a real veteran. 那架缝纫机真是一件老古董了。
- You should oil the sewing machine to stop the squeaking. 你应该给缝纫机上点油,以免发出轧轧声。
- The quickest way to sew is with a sewing machine. 最快的缝纫办法是用缝纫机。
- Her sewing machine won't run properly. 她的缝纫机不能正常运转了。
- A sewing machine helps us to sew things quickly. 缝纫机帮助我们很快地缝纫东西。
- Our record have it that the panda brand sewing machine enjoy a ready sale on your neighboring market. 我们的记录表明熊猫牌缝纫机在贵方邻近的市场上销路很好。
- The cat purred. The sewing machine purred. 猫发出呜呜声。缝纫机呜呜地响着
- Put the V belt on the pulley of the sewing machine. 首先把V形皮带挂到缝纫机皮带轮上。
- Arm post type of jib arm crane is a medium-sized lifting and transporting equipment.It has a unique structure, and is safe and dependable. 定柱式旋臂起重机是近年发展起来的中小型吊运装备,结构独特,安全可靠,具有高效。
- This sewing machine is capable of being improved. 这台缝纫机是可以改进的。
- Zhejiang Cheering Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. 浙江乾麟缝制设备有限公司。
- Zhejiang Hengqiang Sewing Machine Group Co., Ltd. 浙江恒强针车集团有限公司。