- A suit of applications(TIPS,TUNNEL IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM) including image analysis and data post process with GUI has been developed successfully. 编制了一套隧道图像处理系统TIPS(TUNNEL IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM)。
- Secondly, according to the similarity of NC system command code and the output standard of CLF(cutter location file) , author have proved that it is feasibile to design the universal and standardize post process system in CAM. 其次,作者根据数控系统指令格式的相似性和刀位文件的输出标准,论证了在CAM中开发具有通用化和标准化的后置处理系统的可行性。
- Real-time image processing system. 实时的图像处理系统。
- BDS is consisted of GPS (Global Positioning System), Sensor, controller and Post Processing Software [Fig 2]. 企业发展服务是由GPS (全球定位系统) ,传感器,控制器和后处理软件[图2 ] 。
- Post processing system design and realization of simultaneous motion of five axes 五轴联动的后置处理系统设计与实现
- Post processing is an important step in NC machining. 后置处理是数控加工的必不可少的一道工序。
- A dialog between a user and an interactive data processing system. 一种用户与交互式数据处理系统间的对话(过程)。
- G70x, handles antialiasing, post process, motion blur. 则处理抗锯齿,影像后期处理,运动模糊。
- In a data processing system, a course of events occurring according to intended purpose or effect. 在数据处理系统中,按照预期的目的或效果出现的一连串事件。
- At last convert the cutter location data into NC code which can be used on the Siemens 802D NC system through post processing. 开发了针对西门子802D数控系统的后置处理器,实现对符合加工精度要求的刀位数据的后置处理,生成NC代码。
- A measure of how easy it is to use a data processing system. 一种使用数据处理系统方便程度的量度。
- G70 x, handles antialiasing, post process, motion blur. 则处理抗锯齿,影像后期处理,运动模糊。
- Post Processing is one of the important modules in CAD/CAM system and it is the key in automatically numerical control programmed technologies. 后置处理技术是数控自动编程技术的一项关键技术;是CAD/CAM系统的一个重要模块.
- A microcomputer is a fast and accurate symbol processing system. 微型计算机是一种快速、精确的符号处理系统。
- Multiplier is the key in the Digital Signal Processing System. 乘法器是数字信号处理系统中的关键。
- Own procurement processing system and improve technical strength. 拥有自己完善采购加工体系和技术实力。
- The quality of the image will be greatly improved after post processing. 经过后期处理,画面质量会提高很多。
- A dialog between a user and an interactive data processing system . 一种用户与交互式数据处理系统间的对话(过程)。
- An output document prepared by a data processing system. 由数据处理系统所预备好的一种输出文件。
- The experiment result has met the requirements to five-axis post processing. 根据推导结果,开发了UCP600五轴数控机床专用后置处理程序,经实验验证可以满足五轴联动后置处理的要求。