- Maybe democracy isn't for the industrial age. 也许民主制度不适应这个工业化时代。
- It is an industrial age,you silly girl,Let's face facts. 如今是工业时代了,傻姑娘,咱们面对现实吧。
- It is an industrial age, you silly girl, Let's face facts. 如今是工业时代了,傻姑娘,咱们面对现实吧。
- At the beginning of understanding the information society, people had expeienced the recognition process from "post industrial society" to "information industry". 摘要在对信息社会认识的初期,人们经历了“后工业社会”和“信息产业”这样的认识过程。
- Alternative Plastic Services is dedicated to provide quality service in the post industrial scrap market. 塑料服务中心为工业废物处理市场提供高质量服务。
- He was disqualified for the post on account of age. 年龄不合格使他无法无资格任此职。
- Ni-Met Has strong partnerships in the post consumer as well as the post industrial markets. 耐迈特在消费后产品及消费后工业市场有着强大的合作伙伴。
- Corporate Social Responsibility is a new business mentality in post industrial society. 企业社会责任是后工业社会中企业全新的经营理念。
- During the industrial age, however, brainpower began to count for more than muscle power. 然而在工业时代,人脑的力量开始比肌肉的力量更为重要。
- During the industrial age,however,brainpower began to count for more than muscle power. 然而在工业时代,人脑的力量开始比肌肉的力量更为重要。
- Post industrialization country tourism is a new-type of tourist product,which takes "original juice with original taste" as symbol and is based on countryside surroundings. 后工业化的乡村旅游是在乡村环境基础之上,以“原汁原味”为表象符号,现代生活为本质的新型旅游产品。
- The steam locomotives are my favorite piece of eye-candy from the Industrial Age. 工业时代我最喜欢的养眼之物就是那蒸汽机车了。
- The medieval jigsaw of nations is obsolete. The balance of power is dangerous foolishness in the industrial age. 中世纪的割据已经过时,均势政策在工业化时代是危险而又愚蠢的。
- The industrial age is in its death throes, making way for the unfolding of the network age. 工业时代正在经历它逐渐衰亡的剧痛,为网络时代的到来做准备。
- The hallmark of the industrial age has been its exaltation of mechanical design. 工业时代的印记是其机械设计的得意之作。
- This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age. 这个时期是古老世界极速的被恐怖的工业革命年代所扫除。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- The economic and social structures in western countries have experienced profound changes since 1960s, which was designated by Daniel Bell as "the Coming of Post Industrial Society". 2 0世纪六七十年代以降 ,西方资本主义国家的经济和社会结构发生了深刻的转型。 社会学家丹尼尔·贝尔将这一转型称为“后工业社会的来临”。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Brad Allenby, AT&T's vice president for environment, safety, and health, believes our move from the industrial age could help enormously. 美国电话与电报公司主管环境、安全和健康的副总裁布雷·艾伦比认为,我们逐渐告别工业时代对此会有极大的促进作用。