- As a post doctoral research assistant I worked in the field of cell biology. 作为博士后研究助理,我的工作领域是细胞生物学。
- After my Ph.D. Work I spent few years on post doctoral research: in Weizmann Institute (Israel), University of Nice (France) and KFA (Kernforschunganlage) in Germany. 在获得博士学位之后,我花了几年时间继续博士后研究:在Weizmann学院(以色列),奈斯大学(法国)和德国的KFA(Kernforschunganlage)。
- Born in 1978, B. S. 1999, Xiamen University; M. S. 2002, Xiamen University; Ph. D. 2006, The University of Hong Kong. Post doctoral research associate, 2006-2008, The University of Hong Kong. 1978年生,博士,副研究员。1999年厦门大学理学学士,2002年厦门大学理学硕士,2006年香港大学博士。2006年至2008年香港大学博士后研究工作。
- The Cognitive Science Department at John Hopkins University provides theoretically-oriented, research and training opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and post doctoral fellows. As a. 美国约翰霍普金斯大学认知科学系。
- Dr Ritchie has done many post doctoral courses and travels extensively to study with the world’s best Chiropractors. 瑞奇医生完成了许多博士的课程,并且广泛游学于世界各地,跟随世界上最好的脊椎矫正师们学习。
- The post doctoral fellow will conduct the study on HIV epidemiology and control program model. 该博士后进站后将进行广州地区艾滋病的流行规律和相应防治模式的研究。
- This increase doctoral research capability assessment, refused to "study section Zhuanye Hu. 此举加大对博士生科研能力的考核,拒绝“考研专业户”。
- Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Social and Policy Science, Bath University, UK . 英国巴斯大学社会和政策科学博士研究。
- My students, post doctoral fellows, and the young researchers who worked with me at Bell Labs, Stanford, and Berkeley have been extraordinary. 我的学生、博士后同事和一起在贝尔实验室、斯坦福和伯克利共事过的研究员都是出类拨萃的人。
- In his doctoral research, he demonstrated the diffusional motions of lipids in membranes, termed flip-flop and lateral diffusion. 在他博士期间,说明了脂类在细胞膜中的扩散运动,对突变和横向扩散进行了命名。
- post doctoral scientific research mobile station 博士后流动站
- Next, a question from Turkey, Hasome Arcer : Hasan Eker asks about getting a post doctor room postdoctoral position in the United StateStates. 下一个问题来自土耳其:哈桑艾克询问关于在美国取得博士后地位的问题。
- Shenzhen is testing the affiliation of post doctoral programs to production companies in order to blend the academic and business worlds and to encourage technical support to hi-tech enterprises,so far the number of such affiliations has reach 8. 深圳还探索将博士后流动站建在企业,效果很好,现有8个企业设立博士后流动站。
- The Emerald EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards are highly esteemed international academic awards that seek to encourage international research work, and to celebrate and reward excellence in international management research. Emerald EFMD博士生研究论文奖为国际著名学术奖项,旨在鼓励国际管理学研究,并透过奖项嘉许及表扬表现出色的国际管理学学术研究。
- Shenzhen is testing the affiliation of post doctoral programs to production companies in order to blend the academic and business worlds and to encourage technical support to hi-tech enterprises, so far the number of such affiliations has reach 8. 深圳还探索将博士后流动站建在企业,效果很好,现有8个企业设立博士后流动站。
- the post doctoral scientific research mobile station 博士后流动站
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
- In addition, the UK China Scholarship for Excellence programme has been expanded allowing more Chinese students to do PhD and post- doctorate research at top British universities. 另外,这项卓越奖学金项目还将做出进一步的扩展,让更多的中国学生有机会在最好的英国大学攻读博士和博士后。
- GK laser has more than 20 researchers, including 6 professors (3 tutors of Ph.D.,2 tutors of master),1 post doctor,7 doctors and 5 masters. 本公司拥有研发人员20余名,其中高级职称人员6名(博士生导师3名,硕士生导师2名),博士后1名,博士7名,硕士5名。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。