- Method:35 puerperants received conducted accompany delivery,other 35 as control,their mood,delivery method delivery duration,post labour hemorrhage volume,cesarrean rate,newborn outcome and breast feeding condition had been observated. 方法 :以自愿要求导乐陪伴分娩的产妇 35例为导乐组 ,非导乐陪伴分娩的产妇 35例为对照组 ,观察两组产妇的心态、分娩方式、产程时间、产后出血量、剖宫产率、新生儿结局以及母乳喂养情况。
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我们经常劳动的工厂是造纸厂。
- He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party. 他是工党中举足轻重的人物。
- I am afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- All bookings must be made by post. 所有预约都必须用信函形式。
- By parcel post our samples were sent. 我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。
- The farm labour force is running down steadily. 农场里的劳动力在不断减少。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利。
- How long is the post tenable for? 这个职位任期多长?
- She was in labour for three hours. 她的分娩过程长达三小时。
- Should change gear the engine's starting to labour. 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了。
- I went to the post office to mail the letters. 我去邮局寄信。
- Non-union labour was used to end the strike. 雇用了没参加工会的工人以结束罢工行动。
- He was disqualified for the post on account of age. 年龄不合格使他无法无资格任此职。
- He was sentenced to 10 years' hard labour. 他被判十年劳役。
- His suitability for the post is open to question. 对这一职位他是否适宜很成问题。
- I want to send these magazine by book post. 我想把这引起杂志作为书籍邮件寄出。
- You needn't labour a point that is perfectly plain. 这点很明显,你用不着讲个没完。