- Existing in only one of two possible states. 一种可能性的仅存在于两种可能状态中的一种的
- For how can people,when once they understand their system,fail to see in it the best possible plan of the best possible state of society? 他们以为,人们只要理解他们的体系,就会承认这种体系是最美好的社会的最美好的计划。
- For how can people, when once they understand their system, fail to see in it the best possible plan of the best possible state of society? 他们以为,人们只要理解他们的体系,就会承认这种体系是最美好的社会的最美好的计划。
- To calculate the energy of every possible state (so we can figure out which state is the most stable) is a computationally intractable problem. 要计算每一个可能状态的能量(以便我们可以找出哪一个是最稳定的)也是一个很难处理的。
- Perfectionism is the belief that one should strive towards perfection, the best possible state in every material or spiritual endeavor. 完美主义是种信仰,信仰人要在每次物质或精神的奋斗过程中达到完美的最好的合适状态。
- Each column in the trellis shows the possible state of the weather and each state in one column is connected to each state in the adjacent columns. 格子中的每一列显示了天气的可能状态,并且在某列中的每一个状态都与其临近状态相连接。
- The FSM describes all possible states of a task from creation to completion. 该状态机描述了一项任务从创建到完成所有可能的状态。
- Just as the initial singularity at the start of the universe may have had only one possible state, so it is possible that the final singularities inside black holes have a unique state. 正如同宇宙的初始奇异点可能只有一种状态,所以黑洞内部的最终奇异点也可能只有唯一的状态。
- An integer N-dimensionality linear space is employed to express possible states of virtual enterprises. 采用非连续、离散型N维线性空间的状态分布表示虚拟企业体系任意的可能状态。
- Most common form of frequency modulation in which two possible states (one and zero) are transmitted as two separate frequencies. 最常用的一种频率调制方式,其中两个可能的状态(1和0)是作为两个离散的频率来传输的。
- The period during which the entity is in a subset of its possible states for which particular actions are permitted. Regimes may be nested. 一段时间,在此期间,实体处于允许特定动作的可能状态的子集。时段可以嵌套。
- A thread is always in at least one of the possible states in the ThreadState enumeration, and can be in multiple states at the same time. 一个线程至少总是处于ThreadState枚举中的一个可能状态,并且可以同时处于多个状态。
- Each thing is, as it were, in a space of possible states of affairs. This space I can imagine empty, but I cannot imagine the thing without the space. 每个事物都像是在一个可能事态的空间里。我可以设想这个空间是空的,但是我不能设想没有这空间的事物。
- Discretization is the process of putting values of a continuous set of date into buckets so that there are a discrete number of possible states. 离散化是将一组连续的数据的值放入存储桶的过程,以便得到可能状态的离散数目。
- To calculate total entropy, Hamilton and Polhemus assumed that you add up all the possible states that matter and energy could take at different points in space. 为了计算总熵[译者注:黑洞中的混乱度],汉密尔顿和波尔希莫斯假定,能通过将物质与能量在所有地点的可能状态累加起来来计算。
- Wherever it is possible, he tries to help. 只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。
- In quantum mechanics, however, any object that has two different states necessarily has a range of other possible states, called superpositions, which entail both states to varying degrees. 然而在量子力学里,任何具有两个不同状态的物体一定也有很多其他的可能状态,这些态称为叠加态,是由原先两个态以不同比例叠加起来而形成的。
- The shy girl tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. 那个怕羞的女孩子尽量使自己不被人注意。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。