- He came into possession of the house. 那楝房子落入他手中。
- We took possession of the enemy's stronghold. 我们占领了敌人的要塞。
- A team in possession of the ball or puck. 控有球的一队球或冰球在自己手里的球队
- His possession of the gun is corroboration of his guilt. 他藏有枪是他犯罪的又一证据。
- She relinquished possession of the house to her sister. 她把房子的所有权让给了她妹妹。
- He gave up possession of the house. 他放弃了这房子的所有权。
- The keys are in the possession of the caretaker. 那些钥匙由管理员持有。
- Their opponents were in possession of the ball for most of the match. 他们的对手在比赛的大部分时间里控制著球。
- The land is in the possession of the merchant. 这块地为该商人所有。
- We took possession of the enemy rs stronghold. 我们占领了敌人的要塞。
- He get possession of the property by fraud. 他用欺诈方法占有该房产。
- Our troops soon regained possession of the town. 我部队不久重克该镇.
- Who is in possession of the property? 谁拥有这笔财产?
- The players fought for possession of the ball. 队员们争取对求得控制。
- My solicitor is now in possession of the documents. 我的律师现在持有这些文件。
- The enemy is in possession of the fortress. 那炮台一时被敌人所占据。
- He is in possession of the keys. 他持有钥匙。
- Our forces took possession of the hill. 我们的部队占领了那座小山。
- A player whose team is in possession of the disc. 拥有盘权的队伍上的任何选手。
- They put in claims for possession of the estate. 他们提出封那块土地所有权的要求。