- positive direction linkage 正向联动
- A series of researches indicated: direct linkage of heterocyclic to thio-ace... 一系列的研究说明:刚性杂环直接连硫乙酸是搭建新型材料可行的方法。
- Our fingers will curl in the positive direction of rotation. 我们的手指将收拢于正旋转方向。
- The full plastic and half plastic shutter can be opened by wind pressure, single direction linkage and double direction linkage. 全塑、塑百叶打开有风压式、单向连动式、向连动式。
- It is the positive direction when the current is from U-upper to V-lower. 当电流从高电压向低电压流动时是正向。
- Set the light to offset 20mm in the positive direction of the model. 设定光在模型的正方向上偏离20。
- When the technology needed to facilitate this direct linkage is developed,SANs will become even more important to network managers. 当方便这种直接连接所需的技术开发出来时,SAN对网络管理员来说就变得更重要了。
- When the technology needed to facilitate this direct linkage is developed, SANs will become even more important to network managers. 当方便这种直接连接所需的技术开发出来时,SAN对网络管理员来说就变得更重要了。
- Cleared from present position direct to BH. 允许从现在位置直飞BH。
- A beautiful setting encourages beautiful thoughts. And beautiful thoughts lead you in a positive direction. 美好的框架会引导你有一个美好的愿景,美好的愿景会带领你走向积极的方向。
- We hold up our left hand and point our thumb in the positive direction of the axis of rotation. 我们握住自己的左手并且将自己的右手拇指朝向正旋转轴方向。
- Jade is a kind of han SiNa pelt of special shape, form, if used in the positive direction of south SiNa (also called guide). 玉司南佩是汉代一种形态特殊的器形,形若用于正方向、定南北的司南(亦称指南)。
- GOP Dept.This position direct reports to station GOP supervisor. 此职位直接向分公司作业主管汇报。
- With the increase of stress, the polarization curve of 7075 RRA alloy slightly moved to positive direction and the areas of reverse circle increased. 随着拉伸应力的增加,7075-RRA铝合金的阳极极化曲线略向正移,滞后环面积扩大,但并不显著。
- With the increase of stress, the polarization curve of 7075-RRA alloy slightly moved to positive direction and the areas of reverse circle increased. 增加拉伸应力,7075-RRA铝合金的阳极极化曲线略向正移,滞后环面积扩大,但并不显著。
- Over the next couple of years,Pfeiffer acted in films of varying quality,but it was with 1987's The Witches of Eastwick that her career turned in a truly positive direction. 随后几年,蜜雪儿菲佛在不同水准的影片中担任角色,直到1987“冤鬼捉伊人”,(WitchesofEastwick)她演义生涯才步入正轨。
- Possibility thinking is the next step, which takes positive thinking and creates a pro-active approach to moving positive thoughts in a positive direction. 可能思想是下一步,它创造出激烈的取向,使积极思想朝积极方向进发,那就是可能思想,是移山的信心。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Over the next couple of years, Pfeiffer acted in films of varying quality, but it was with 1987's The Witches of Eastwick that her career turned in a truly positive direction. 随后几年,蜜雪儿菲佛在不同水准的影片中担任角色,直到1987“冤鬼捉伊人”,(witchesofeastwick)她演义生涯才步入正轨。
- Based on the statistic and analysis of the dimension deviation of cast-insitu concrete in Beijing,the data is ortho-state distribution and biases toward positive direction. 通过对近年北京地区现浇混凝土结构尺寸偏差的调查及统计分析,得出尺寸偏差呈正态分布,并明显地倾向于正偏差方向。