- x y stage x y 座标台
- The earliest Machine was a 3D devices with a simple DRO displaying the XYZ position of the X Y Z Machine. 最早的坐标测量机是一个仅仅配备XYZ三轴数显的三维设备。
- The reduplication of "X得Y得Y" in Danjiang Kou Dialect is a special form in Chinese dialects. 丹江话中有一种特殊的重叠形式:“X得Y得Y”,其中“得Y”可以多次重叠。
- Through experiments,it is proved that chip breaking exerts remarkable influence on cutting forces in all three(that is , X Y,Z )dimensions. 通过实验阐述了切屑折断时对X、Y、Z三向切削力均有影响。
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- The experiment shows that ourdesigned working station can improve the S/N ratio over 20 folds comparedwith the common X Y recorder. 应用于安培检测器的毛细管电泳数据记录结果表明,工作站比常用函数记录仪的信噪比提高近20倍,具良好的应用前景。
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- The table with X Y Z axes to move double squeegees with two directions printing two directions put on the stencilsure the circuit board can be printing by the through-hold. 台面设有X、Y、Z方向移动、双刮刀双向印刷、双向抬版、双向位移补偿,能确保线路转角夹缝无漏印、贯孔饱满等完美印刷效果。
- Zhu D,Zhang Y C,Zeng X Y,et al.Syntheses of two novel photosensitizer acridones Ccmpound[J].Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Techonlogy,2000,27(2):15. 曾宪玉;等.;两种新型光敏剂吖啶酮类化合物的合成[J]
- Sun F Z, Zhao T C, Yang J M, Cao X Y, Tang C R, Meng Q R.Species of ice nucleation active bacteria on the apricot and the relationship between their activity and flower frost. 孙福在;赵廷昌;杨建民;曹晓宇;唐朝荣;孟庆瑞.;杏树上冰核细菌种类及其冰核活性与杏花霜冻关系的研究
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- Zhang X Y, Yang X M, Dong Y S.Genetic analysis of wheat germplasm by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of gliadins[J].Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1995, 28(4): 25-32. [8]张学勇; 杨欣明; 董玉琛.;醇溶蛋白电泳在小麦种质资源遗传分析中的应用[J]
- Cai M Z, Lin X Y, Luo A C, Zhang Y S.Effect of excessive Fe2 + on growth and physiological characters of rice[J].Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2002, 8(1): 96-99. [8]蔡妙珍;林咸永;罗安程;章永松.;过量Fe2+对水稻生长和某些生理性状的影响[J]
- positioning micro X-Y stage 微型定位平台
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- Wang Z K, Sun X Y, Xia Y X, Zhou C Y, Yin Y P.Rapid detection of citrus bacterial canker disease (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) with polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 王中康;孙宪昀;夏玉先;周常勇;殷幼平.;柑橘溃疡病PCR快速检验检疫技术研究