- Position limits could also siphon liquidity away from American energy exchanges. 头寸的限制还有可能降低美国能源交易所的流通性。
- Trading principles and policies: shall include types of underlyings traded, trading or hedging strategies, setting of position limits. 一、交易原则与方针:应包括交易标的种类、交易或避险策略、部位限额设定。
- Trait:with urgent stop switch and reinforced brekeaking switch with position limit, Protection class up to IP54,... 特点:带急停开关及强制断开限位开关;防护等级IP54;带热保护装置.
- Gensler, in Senate testimony earlier in the summer, said the CFTC would be reviewing no-action letters granting relief from agriculture position limits. 在今夏早些时候参院听证会上坚斯勒说,CFTC 将审查那些准许免于农产品期货头寸限制的不采取行动的函件。
- Position limit device is employed to solve the problem of corrugation by reverse-drawing so that quality of the part can be ensured. 利用限位装置成功解决反拉深起皱问题,保证了零件质量。
- Designated forex banks dealt on the inter-bank market according to the turnover position limit on banking exchange stipulated by SAFE and covered the position on the market. 外汇指定银行根据国家外汇管理局核对的银行结售汇周转头寸限额到银行间市场进行外汇买卖,平补结售汇头寸。
- The CFTC, emboldened by bubbles in oil and gas prices to fight “excessive speculation”, this week wrapped up hearings that foreshadow position limits for futures traders in energy markets. 商品期货交易委员会也由于石油和天然气的价格泡沫而变得更加激进地打击“过度投机行为”,本周结束的听证会预示着将对能源市场上的期货交易商采取头寸限制。
- Instead, the no-action letters state that the CFTC’s Department of Market Oversight would not recommend to the commission that it take enforcement action if their recipients exceeded position limits. 相反,不采取行动信函称,CFTC的市场监管部会建议该委员会在收函人超过头寸限制时不采取强制行动。
- The client or the consigning futures commission merchant holds open positions in excess of the position limit prescribed by the clearing members. 客户;委托期货商持有未冲销部位数量逾本公司规定之额度.
- Oxygen have not a hand in the oxidation of pyrrole, and positive limit of pyrrole polymer is not influenced by the oxygen. 在有光条件下,氧并不直接参与吡咯的氧化过程,对聚吡咯的极限电位无显著影响。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。
- She is unfit for such a senior position. 她不胜任这种高级职务。
- The paper briefly introduces the structure and working prinple of working devices of 72-71B wheel - loader - reversing device, position limitators of lining arm and for leveling the bucket. 简要介绍72-71B轮式装载机反转工作装置举升臂限位器和铲斗放平限位器位置的构成,各部分结构及工作原理。
- They plotted the new position of each vessel. 他们标明每艘船的新位置。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- We're now in a rather poor bargaining position. 我们现在所处的谈判地位不太有利。