- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- She holds a very responsible position in the firm. 她在公司里身居要职。
- She's in top position in the class. 她是班级里的优等生。
- His position in the company is below hers. 他在公司里职位比她低。
- We had to write three essays in the history exam. 我们考历史要写三篇短文。
- Jiangxi Quanzhen Daoism occupies an important position in the history of Quanzhen Daoism. 江西全真道在全真道历史上具有重要的地位。
- This so-called Logos-centrism once occupied a dominant position in the history of human thinking. 这种逻格斯中心主义在人类思想史上曾一度占据统治地位。
- CCP's eighth congress has momentous position in the history of China's administrative party construction. 摘要中共八大在执政党建设史上具有极为重要的地位。
- His work has attained a high position in the republic of letters. 他的作品在文坛上获得了崇高的地位。
- Impressionism occupies an important position in the history of western painting. 印象派在西方绘画史上有着重要的地位。
- That is a situation unprecedented in the history of the school. 这是该校有史以来未曾出现过的情况。
- Now you have resigned your position in the company; you have burned your boats. 现在你已经辞去了公司中的职务,你没有退路了。
- My sister occupies an important position in the Department of the Environment. 我姐姐在环境部担任要职。
- Shakespeare.All legendary plays occupy a pivotal position in Shakespeare's playwright because each of them has its unique characters in the history of Shakespearian plays. 这些剧作以其鲜明的特色在莎翁剧史上独树一帜,构成了莎士比亚创作的另一奇葩。
- Make certain of your position in the firm before you argue with the director. 你在和经理争辩之前,要首先弄清你在公司里的地位。
- The shops are in a central position in the city. 商店都开设在城市的中心。
- That playwright have a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
- The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field. 该公司执电子行业之牛耳。
- It was a new era in the history of our country. 这是我国历史上的一个新纪元。
- She has earned her place in the history books. 她名垂青史。