- position and power in society 社会立场和权力
- Boldness has genius magic and power in it. 勇气里有天才、魔力和力量。”
- The women don't have a role of status or power in society. 妇女们在社会上没有地位,也没有权力。
- I allow all others their unique expression and power in form. 我允许所有他人成为形体中的独特表达及力量。”
- Jame Lamprecht, Quality and Power in supply chain, 2000, page 64. 以上只是关于航空服务的事情摘一段,供参考。
- Innovation is the spirit and power in knowledge economy. 摘要创新是知识经济的灵魂和动力。
- Blau, P. 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life . New York: Wiley. 陈介玄,协力网络与生活结构--台湾中小企业的社会经济分析台北:联经出版社,1994
- They have the functions and powers in their hands. 他们手里掌握着职权。
- It is integrated, versatile and powerful in production technology. 生产工艺配套、设备完整,具有极强的机械加工能力。
- He has a high position in society. 他社会地位很高。
- Thus, I draw the conclusion: The lofty position and power of the vizier have not been lost in the New Kingdom period. 从而得出这样的结论:维西尔的崇高地位和权力在新王国时期并没有丧失。
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。
- Wealth and power in China are the same in that they're both overindulged. 中国的财富与权力一样,是被放纵的。
- He caters to those in power in order to seek for a high position and handsome salary. 他趋炎附势,以求高官厚禄。
- Clinton warned that such change could raise already-heightened tensions between North Korea and its neighbors as potential successors to Kim junk for position and power. 克林警告说这种变化在潜在继承者追逐权力和地位时,可能会使已经很紧张的朝鲜周边关系升级。
- He speculated at length on the possibility of France's regaining her ancient position of prestige and power in Europe. 他猜测法国在欧洲重获象其以前的地位声誉势力的可能性。
- Drug addiction is a dangerous canker in society. 吸毒成瘾是腐蚀社会的一大祸害。
- There's no analogy between his position and yours. 他的见解与你的并无相似之处。
- Peter and Alice kiss and hug in society. 彼得和爱丽丝公开亲吻拥抱。
- Veterinarians grasp for something to offer to maintain our professional position, status, and power in this dilemma with the owner. 在这与宠物主人进退两难的困境,兽医急切想领会某些事物来奉献以坚守自己的专业身份、地位和权力。